
May 2003
Building News: 

Architect Answers Congregation's Questions

A congregational gathering held March 23, after the second service, reinforcedboth the need for building enhancements and the support of the congregationfor the design direction we are pursuing. The opening salvos of the war in Iraqunderscored for many of us the importance of a physical space to serve our membershipand the larger community through outreach, essential dialogues, and the worshipthat takes place in our church home. Our building program will contribute toa brighter future for liberal religious thought and activity on the West Side.

We have been listening to the ideas and advice of many individuals, includingJay Gobus, Kris Langabeer, Kathy Cook, Julie Hill, Warren Mathews, and FranHotchkiss in order to help our new architect design to our needs. We have alsogathered recommendations from subcommittees and task forces on kitchen facilities,possible Forbes Hall improvements, technical subsystems and maybe even a labyrinthor meditation maze on 17th Street. We've received comments on a possible newchancel design and choir placement as well. Thanks to all who are helping moveour design process forward and to those who offered their comments at Sunday'smeeting.

Our architect, Ralph Mechur, walked us through his design, including a refinementof his original concept for 17th Street and some changes to the main building.New costs could be added for some very desirable improvements to Forbes Hallthat were not included in his first conceptual design. We are awaiting solidline-item cost estimates for this new design work. Meanwhile, we are at thepoint of submitting our application package to the city planning office. Ourproposal will include our full wish list as shown on current plans, even thoughwe are uncertain whether we can achieve all of our goals with our current financialpicture. The city process is a lengthy one, but we hope to return to the congregationin the coming months for a vote on our next steps.

Ralph elaborated on his latest design work. His most recent schematic drawings,as well as his biographical information, are on display on the kiosk in ForbesHall. We hope everyone will take a look at these recent developments. The buildingcommittee stands committed to this project under the wise guidance of our architect,and wants to express thanks to all who helped us with their questions and comments.

Excitement is, indeed, building.

-- Barbara Kernochan
for the Building Committee