May, 2005
The Faith in Action Bulletin is Now Available Online
The Spring 2005 issue of the FIA Bulletinis now available online. Printed copies may be found on the FIA table in ForbesHall. This issue includes a poem, personal opinion essays, and commentary fromchurch members, national organizations, and friends of our church. Most of theissue is devoted to two topics - peace and health care.
Peace. Myra Wald starts us off with a poem about the horrorsof war. Next, Tom Hamilton provides an analysis of the genocide in Darfur. Hefeels that the genocide will probably continue until one side or the other prevailsmilitarily and that the UN is basically powerless to alter the outcome. An alternateperspective comes from Senate bill 495, which is under current review. The essenceof this bill, which is published as a "Sense of the Congress," calls for UNsanctions and possible military action. Tom's article is followed by a proposednew Study/Action issue from the UUA entitled Peacemaking (S3). This proposalcalls for us to carefully consider just what it means to be a Unitarian Universalistwhen it comes to issues of peace and war.
Health Care. Phyllis Gabriel reports on efforts to reformhealth care access in California. Cathie Gentile reports on the activities ofthe UU Legislative Ministry- California, including the support of same-sex marriage,health care access reform, and water rights. Liz Fuller provides an essay onher experiences with health insurance coverage as a new mother.
The next issue of the FIA Bulletin is planned for publication during the summer.Wouldn't you like to contribute an essay, photograph, or poem of your own forpossible publication? Questions, comments, suggestions, and creative work forpublication are welcome. The deadline for the next issue is August 1. Submissionsmay be placed in the FIA box in the church office or sent to m
- Charles Haskell
Editor, FIA Bulletin Chair, Faith in Action Commission