
Hiking Group - Offsite

The hiking group is ready to hike again Saturday, October 29th at 9:00 am when we will meet at church to organize carpooling. The hike for this month will be in Topanga State Park along the Musch trail.

It is 2 miles round trip with 400 feet elevation gain. The trail is a bit uneven with a some ups and downs. Please wear sturdy shoes. Bring water, snacks, cell phone, hat, maybe some walking poles and jacket.                                           

Please RSVP.

Hiking Group - Point Dume
UU Hiking Group: For climbing and beach walking, marine life and interesting plants join our next hike on February 8. We will meet at the church Saturday at 9 a.m., as usual. This hike is at Point Dume. We now hike when we know at least five people will be participating. If you plan to join us, please email or phone Phil Bonacich by Thursday, February 6, at 8 p.m. Dress for temperature change. Bring water, sunscreen, and a snack. Cameras and binoculars are good options. You should be able to hike about 5 miles and climb 5 flights of stairs. Steady rain cancels. There are restrooms at the parking area. If you plan to join the hike please email or call Phil
Bonacich . For more information contact Steve Young.
Hiking Group - Solstice Canyon
Hiking Group Beach Hike

This is an ideal time to hike along the Malibu beaches.  We will meet at church and decide between two areas with beach access, Big Rock Beach and Escondido Beach.  Big Rock is closer to Santa Monica.  Hiking at low tide is a good way to see less populated beaches and interesting beach homes.  It may be cold or hot; dress for temperature change.  Bright sun reflects off the water so sunscreen and hats are very important.  Bring water and a snack.  You should be able to climb a flight of stairs and hike about 5 miles.  Expect mostly packed, wet sand and some rocks; tennis or hiking shoes are best.  The tide will not be low enough for tidepool exploration.  For more information, call Steve Young or Phil Bonacich.  Expect to return to the church by about 1 PM

Hiking Group carpools to Santa Monica Mountains
Hiking Group/Point Dume
The UUCCSM Hiking Group will be going to Point Dume  on August 10. We will meet at the church on Saturday at 9 
a.m. We now hike when we know at least five people will  be participating. Hikes may be modified due to the weather  and steady rain cancels a hike. Generally, you should be  able to hike about five miles and climb five flights of stairs.
If you plan to participate please email or phone Steve  Young by 8 p.m. on the Thursday before the hike (August 
8) and leave a contact phone number. We expect warm  weather; dress for temperature change, bring water and a 
snack, and sunscreen. For more information email or call Steve Young or Phil Bonacich.
Hiking Group: Solstice Canyon
If you would like to discuss politics, the environment, current events, or other topics outdoors, or explore nature with fellow church members, join us on a Hiking Group outing. On the second Saturday of each month we meet at church and head for the hills (or the beach, or an interesting neighborhood).
Meet with us at 9 a.m. to carpool, and expect to return to church between noon and 1 p.m. Hikes vary in length from 2 to 6 miles; they may be flat or involve some strenuous climbing. For our most difficult hikes we say you should be able to walk 5 miles and climb 5 flights of stairs.
Our June 14 hike will be in Solstice Canyon. This less strenuous hike is about 4 miles, about 2 flights of stairs, and dog-friendly.
We hike when we know at least 5 people will be participating in the hike. We request that you let us know that you plan to participate by 8 p.m. on the Thursday before the hike.
For more information, or to get on the Hiking Group email list, please contact Steve Young or Phil Bonacich. Sometimes we get together for lunch at a restaurant near church after the hike.
Hiking Group: Temescal Canyon
If you would like to discuss politics, the environment, current events, or other topics outdoors, or explore nature with fellow church members, join us on a Hiking Group outing. On the second Saturday of each month we meet at church and head for the hills (or the beach, or an interesting neighborhood).
Meet with us at 9 a.m. to carpool, and expect to return to church between noon and 1 p.m. Hikes vary in length from 2 to 6 miles; they may be flat or involve some strenuous climbing. For our most difficult hikes we say you should be able to walk 5 miles and climb 5 flights of stairs.
Join us on May 10 for our next hike, the Temescal Canyon loop trail. This is a 4-mile and 5-flights-of stairs hike. Our June 14 hike will be in Solstice Canyon. This less strenuous hike is about 4 miles, about 2 flights of stairs, and dog-friendly.
We hike when we know at least 5 people will be participating in the hike. We request that you let us know that you plan to participate by 8 p.m. on the Thursday before the hike.
For more information, or to get on the Hiking Group email list, please contact Steve Young or Phil Bonacich. Sometimes we get together for lunch at a restaurant near church after the hike.
Hindu Dharma
Hinduism is the oldest of the world’s major religions and it has grown to encompass a vast diversity of traditions, scriptures, philosophies, and practices. The Third Source of Unitarian Universalism is: “Wisdom from the world’s religions which inspires us in our ethical and spiritual life.” This Sunday we will begin our exploration of this ancient wisdom and its great influence on our liberal religious tradition.
History Class - "Faith Like a River"

Faith Like a River, Part 2: Themes from Unitarian Universalist History

Facilitated by Catherine Farmer Loya
Six sessions: Thursdays February 21 – March 28
7-9 p.m., Forbes Room 4
Faith Like a River explores the dynamic course of Unitarian, Universalist, and Unitarian Universalist (UU) history — the people, ideas, and movements that have shaped our faith heritage. It invites participants to place themselves into our history and consider its legacies. What lessons do the stories of our history teach that can help us live more faithfully in the present? What lessons do they offer to be lived into the future?
Join facilitator Catherine Farmer Loya for an exploration of our UU religious tradition’s roots.
After the introductory first session, this course will explore aspects of our history not covered in last spring’s Faith Like a River class; however, there is no need to have taken the earlier course in order to participate fully.
Sign up now by emailing or at the Lifespan RE table in Forbes Hall during coffee hour.
Ho's in the Bible

Much of the history of "the oldest profession" is recorded in scripture. The Rev. Ann Hayman is program director of the Mary Magdalene Project, a project of the Presbytery of the Pacific, which serves and advocates on behalf of women who are sex workers. She will discuss contemporary connections between communities of faith and sex workers. Ms. Hayman is also the chair of the Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice of Southern California. Music Jeffrey King, voice

Holding On, Letting Go

(Summer schedule begins one service at 10 a.m.) Letting go is held up as a spiritual discipline, but what about holding on? Holding on is also a spiritual discipline. When is it appropriate to let go and when is it appropriate to hold on? New member ingathering during the service and new member reception after the service.