
Humanist Readings Club
Like a book club but with less to read! 
Facilitated by Tom Hamilton and Bronwen Jones
Each month we will examine an historical challenge within the broad humanist tradition.  We will examine excerpts from the writings of past humanists. By understanding how people in the past thought about the personal, philosophical, and social challenges of their times, we hope to gain insight into how we might better cope with the similar challenges of our own situation.
For the first few sessions, we will look at humanists of the past who were not European males, starting with Ram Mohan Roy and the Hindu Unitarians of the early 1800s.
To register please email:


Humanist Readings Club
Like a book club but with less to read! 
Facilitated by Tom Hamilton and Bronwen Jones
Each month we will examine an historical challenge within the broad humanist tradition.  We will examine excerpts from the writings of past humanists. By understanding how people in the past thought about the personal, philosophical, and social challenges of their times, we hope to gain insight into how we might better cope with the similar challenges of our own situation.
For the first few sessions, we will look at humanists of the past who were not European males, starting with Ram Mohan Roy and the Hindu Unitarians of the early 1800s.
To register please email:


Humanist Voices
The group that convened to read and discuss “Humanist Voices in Unitarian Universalism” will continue on an ongoing basis to explore related work by some of the same essayists who contributed to the book, along with other writers illuminating places and paths where Humanism and Unitarian Universalism converge. As with our original group, we will put an emphasis on personal connections along our own journeys. All are welcome, and outside reading is not required. This first meeting will focus on an essay entitled “Unfinished with Christianity” by Doug Muder.
Humanist Voices: The Unfinished Dream & The Marketing of Liberal Religion

We will read and discuss an essay by renowned UU minister and seminary professor David Bumbaugh which provocatively argues that the Universalist quest for a defining theology in modern times was lost in the 1961 merger with the Unitarians. “By refusing to define itself, Liberal Religion surrenders its ability to stand in judgment on the idolatries of our time,” he writes. “If we are to serve our people, and the world in which we find ourselves, it is critical that we now take up the unfinished project. It is time for Liberal Religion to declare clearly the faith we hold.”

Humanist Voices: The Unfinished Dream & The Marketing of Liberal Religion

We will read and discuss an essay by renowned UU minister and seminary professor David Bumbaugh which provocatively argues that the Universalist quest for a defining theology in modern times was lost in the 1961 merger with the Unitarians. “By refusing to define itself, Liberal Religion surrenders its ability to stand in judgment on the idolatries of our time,” he writes. “If we are to serve our people, and the world in which we find ourselves, it is critical that we now take up the unfinished project. It is time for Liberal Religion to declare clearly the faith we hold.”

Hunger Event - Baking - Zoom/Online

Join in the fun Monday, Feb 8 4:00 to 6:00 pm when we bake at home together, to the benefit of Grass Roots Neighbors. Young and young-at-heart alike will bake, share recipes, and Zoom together. Bring out your families and your family recipes!

Email for the Zoom link. Touchless pickup of donated items on the Westside will be coordinated during the week, thanks to our wonderful Hunger Task Force volunteers.


Hunger Task Force

The Hunger Task Force puts faith into action by feeding those in need in our community. There are volunteer opportunities for all ages (see below) - everyone is welcome to participate!

Turning Point Sunday

Each month, on the first Sunday, we collect frozen casseroles and bags of fresh fruit and deliver them to Turning Point, a project of OPCC. Turning Point Transitional Housing is a 55-bed shelter for homeless men and women that offers housing and supportive services for up to 9 months. The project seeks to break the cycle of homelessness and to integrate homeless individuals back into the community by providing comprehensive, individualized services designed to address their physical and emotional needs. In addition to an individual sleeping area, three meals a day and clothing, Turning Point provides intensive case management, counseling and support groups, specialized programs such as job counseling, money management, health education, computer classes and independent living skills

Your food donation is greatly appreciated. Mark your food item for "Turning Point" and drop it off to the kitchen's freezer. Fruit can be tagged and left on the counter next to the freezer. For more information, contact

Lunches for Bunches

Each month, on the 4th Sunday from 12:30-1:30pm, volunteers gather to assemble 100 bagged lunches for the clients at Turning Point/OPCC. See above for details about Turning Point. To volunteer, just show up and help! No need to sign up in advance. For additional information, contact

Backyard Bounty

Each week we collect the surplus from our gardens and deliver it to those who are in need. Simply bring your bagged produce and place it in the Westside Food Bank basket on Sunday morning during the service. Our volunteers will collect the produce and donate it to Turning Point. If you would like to join the Backyard Bounty team we would love to have you! Please contact for details or to sign up.

Backyard Bounty members also attend Food Forward harvesting events. Everyone is welcome to help harvest produce, and it's fun too! You can sign up to collect excess produce from the Santa Monica Farmer's Market on Sunday afternoon, or for one of many other local events during the week. Produce is donated to local food banks. For information visit the Food Forward website or contact

Hungry for Transformation
Hymnal Sing-A-Long
Hymnal Sing-A-Long