
I Don't Have a Suit

Church member and hospital chaplain Michael Eselun will explore the experience of insiders and outsiders -- our yearning to belong and the comfort we take in belonging versus our inner experience of being on the outside, often at the same time.

I Know Where I've Been (from Hairspray - Shaiman/Wittman) - UUSM Vocalists
I looked at the "Welcoming Congregation" page and now I'm confused - is this a gay church?

Our "Welcoming Congregation" status signifies that we have adopted a resolution to:

...affirm bisexual, gay, lesbian, and transgender persons, to be responsive to their concerns, and to celebrate and be inclusive of bisexual, gay, lesbian, and transgender persons as members of our church community and our community at large.

But this does not mean we are an exclusively "gay" church...just that we welcome everyone.

I Owe God a Death
Our American culture remains death-defying and our UU movement failed, a decade ago, to embrace mortality during our re-envisioning process of our purposes and principles. We have work to do. If we earthlings wish to live more robustly and caringly, we must consent to die. As naturalist Wallace Stegner put it, “I owe God a death.”
The Rev. Dr. Tom Owen-Towle is entering his 56th year of ordained ministry and is the author of two dozen books on personal relationships, social justice challenges, and spiritual growth. Tom and his life-partner, the Rev. Dr. Carolyn Sheets Owen-Towle, are the active parents of four children, seven grand-children, and one great-grandchild.
Tom is a guitarist and parlor magician who, in “refirement,” sings with seniors, mentors youth, and volunteers with San Diego’s homeless. He also lectures and conducts workshops on the core themes of conscious aging and mindful dying. He is honored to be returning to the pulpit of our Santa Monica congregation and preaching on “I Owe God a Death!”
Ian Dodd - Interviews in Sanctuary
IBP Process Group
IBP Process Group
IBP Process Group
IBP Process Group
IBP Process Group
IBP Process Group
IBP Process Group