
Infant/Toddler Care

Newborns to Age 3

Meets in the Southwest room of the cottage. Available 8:40-10:15 & 10:40-12:15. Care is offered between the services for members of the church choir only.

Babies and toddlers are kept safe and happy with loving care. We do not yet have a dedicated nursery space, but what we lack in surroundings we make up for in warmth and welcome. Staffed by professional childcare providers and loving members of our church community.

Parents and guardians are requested to formally register their children in the fall. They should provide adequate food or snacks and be sure their baby is freshly changed. For safety reasons, our staff does not change diapers.

If you'd like to register your child for nursery care, please download our registration form, and parent information letter.

Information for Visitors with Children/Youth

As a parent or guardian, you are the primary religious educator for your children. Your words, actions and relationships convey to your children much of what they understand about life and its meaning. Our church programs can help you fulfill your mission as a religious educator, but only to the extent of your involvement in it. The more you know about—and participate in—your child’s experience of RE, the more you can support its goals and lessons in daily life and the more enriching the experience will become for your child.

What to Expect on Sunday Morning

As you arrive at church, enter through the front courtyard on 18th Street, and you’ll encounter the Greeters’ table, with information about our program and special events and greeters eager to meet you and answer your questions about the church.

Families are invited to sit together for the first part of the Sunday service. Children will be invited to join the minister or speaker on the chancel for a “Story for All Ages,” (adults, listen up—the story is for you, too!) and once the story is finished, children exit the sanctuary and head to their classes. RE classes last until 15 minutes after the hour; parents are invited to enjoy the first 15 minutes of coffee hour before picking up their children.

Intergenerational Worship

Our children and youth are important members of our faith community. They learn by doing and experiencing firsthand. Regardless of whether they understand everything that happens, we believe that they will absorb information little by little, as well as develop a sense of identity as Unitarian Universalists. It is for this reason, as well as to celebrate being one church community together, that children attend the first part of the service each week. There are also several Intergenerational services during the year which take the place of our regular RE classes. Some families find that their children enjoy staying for the whole service; that’s ok too!

Hints for Parents

· Choose a seat in the sanctuary that allows a good view for your child. If you think you may need to leave, sit in a location where you can move in and out easily.

· If your child’s activity becomes disruptive to those around you, or your child needs to get up and walk around, leave quietly until they are ready to return.

· Review the Order of Service and help children understand what will be happening. Feel free to whisper instructions or answer questions to help children learn “worship etiquette.”

· If you have a nursing infant or toddler, they are equally welcome in our service or in the nursery, located in the cottage next door to the sanctuary.


Parents' Responsibilities

By enrolling your child in our program, you assume the responsibility of participating fully in our church and in our cooperative RE program. We expect that every family will support the church financially, through a regular pledge, whether or not you choose to become a member. We also expect that every family will support our program by volunteering in some capacity. We expect that every family will follow the RE policies outline below:

1. Registration. You must register your child in our program annually if he/she will be participating regularly.  Visitors are welcome in all of our classes, but are requested to register after the thurd visit.. Please fill out a Nursery or RE Registration form for each child and turn it in to the church office or your child's RE teacher.

2. Supervision. At all times when on church grounds, children must be supervised. When children are not in class or signed into the nursery, parents/guardians are responsible for their behavior and their safety.

3. Play yard. For safety reasons, during worship services (9am to 10am and 11am to 12pm), the play area behind the cottage is reserved for the exclusive use of nursery and preschool children. Older children may use the area before, after, or between services, but only under the direct supervision of their parents/guardians. Nursery and preschool staff are responsible for supervising only the children enrolled in their classes, only during class time.

4. Pick-up. We strive to provide a full hour of religious exploration every Sunday (beginning after the children’s story). After both worship services, please enjoy 15 minutes of fellowship at coffee hour and pick up your child at 10:15 and 12:15, respectively.

5. Drop Off. Children grades 7 and younger may not be dropped off at church. A parent must remain on church grounds at all times in case of medical emergency. If parents wish to designate a specific "church guardian," (e.g. grandparent or neighbor), they may fill out an additional form.


Note we resume our normal schedule today, with services at both 930 and 1100. Reunions are occasional rites of passage, filled with curiosity and fraught with anxiety. They confront us with change and comfort us with what never changes. Join us for our Fall Ingathering to contemplate this experience together. We will welcome and dedicate our Teachers of Religious Education. Children may leave for supervised activities after the Teacher Dedication, or remain with their families for the entire service. The choir will sing at both services.

Please join us for a joyful gathering-in and a return to two services at 9am and 11am. In this experimental year, we are trying out realigning the church year with the calendars of many local schools, including the Santa Monica-Malibu School District and the Los Angeles Unified School District. We’ll introduce our new director of music, Dr. Zanaida Robles, at both services and launch the beginning of our Religious Education programs for the church year. 
[Note: No audio recording is available for this service.]
Ingathering and Water Communion
ONE SERVICE AT 10:30 am online
Our new church year has arrived! We will gather together virtually as beloved community once again with our annual Water Communion Ceremony. Let us bring the blessings of our lives to our congregation as we name our intentions, hopes, and dreams for the church year before us. What is stirring in your heart?
Ingathering and Water Communion
Join us for our annual homecoming service when we commune with water and offer libations with our hopes and dreams for the new church year. You may bring water from your summer travels or sacred spaces to share in this annual ceremony. Let us find life and refreshment together in this special service of ingathering and the inauguration of a new church year
Ingathering Water Communion
One service at 10:00 a.m.  (note:  fall return to two services has been postponed; new date for resumption of fall schedule is TBD) 
Enter, Rejoice, and Come In!We gather again in love, as we return to offering two services each Sunday.Bring a small container of water from your travels or from home to mingle in a communion bowl.
Ingathering Water Communion (Intergenerational Online Service)
Join us for our annual ingathering service to celebrate the new church year! Rev. Jeremiah returns to the pulpit and we honor our water communion ceremony this year from the safety of our homes.
You are invited to email Jeremiah and Saunder hopes, inspirations, and blessings for the new year — either as a video with water being poured into a bowl or as text to be read during the ceremony.  We need these videos by Tuesday evening (September 8th) to hopefully include them in the service.  Please be sure to record in a quiet and well-lit space with HD (720p) if possible.
Inside Out Art
Experience the world through the eyes of adults with developmental disabilities. When they express their personal vision through art, they prove to be remarkably gifted, creating works that will astonish and move you. L.A. GOAL [] is a Culver City non-profit whose vision is to create a more open society where people with developmental disabilities can enjoy full inclusion in their communities.
The March Art Wall will feature Inside Out Art, an exhibit featuring artists from L.A. GOAL’s professional art studio: Inside Out Productions. Several artists will exhibit their drawings, paintings, ceramics, sewing, quilting, weaving, embroidery, photograph, woodblock prints, or multimedia works. The general public is welcome.
All works are for sale with eighty percent of the proceeds going to the individual artists and twenty percent to the church.
Artists Opening Reception Sunday March 9, 12:00 pm – 2:00 pm
Open 9:00 am – 1:00 pm on Sundays in March starting on March 9. Open weekdays by appointment, contact
For more information contact Beverly Alison.
At least two artists from Inside Out Productions will welcome guests at the artists opening reception. Light refreshments will be served and extra tables will be set up for additional work.
Lisie Y. artist statement: “Drawing and painting come hard to me because I am legally blind and I cannot create the images that I want to make. I never thought in my wildest dreams I would be weaving or embroidering. I used to say “I can’t do it” until sewing staff told me to just try it and now I’m loving it. I feel accomplished and proud to be able to do weaving.”
David H. artist statement: “I like the birds flying, the clouds, everything about it. First I sketch, then I pick the fabric, then I do the embroidery. It was hard using yarn the first time but I like it a lot. This piece makes me feel proud.” 


Installation of Rev. Rebecca Benefiel Bijur
Institutionalizing a Ministry of Generosity Group