OWL Teacher Training
We are having an OWL (Our Whole Lives) teacher training for grades 7-9 and 10-12 right here at UU Santa Monica, Dec 2-4. Registration is $325.
Why are we doing this? Well, we need more people trained up so we can offer this life-saving and enriching class to our kids and our community kids beyond our walls. If we have more teachers, then this work will be lighter on all of us. Please consider becoming an OWL teacher.
This training would be for our community members who are interested, as well as other folks in the Greater Los Angeles Area UU Communities. It’s a great event for us to offer and we have done it a lot in our community. Please contact US and let us know if you are in!
For any questions or comments, please contact Beth Brownlie directly or through the group email youthre@uusm.org.