Discussion and Support for Persons with Disabilities
Come and join us as we share stories, inspirations and find community with each other. The group offers a forum in which members can feel the benefit of its mutual support. Previous topics include: how to improve the quality of one’s life overall and how to use structure, aides and devices more successfully/productively/efficiently in one’s life.
The Disability Support Group is promoting a dialogue on a selected topic at each of its meetings throughout this church year. The next meeting has been changed to Sunday, September 29, and the topic will be "Money Management, Finances, and ABLE accounts." Join us in the NE Cottage at 11:45 am (we're adjusting to the Sunday Service schedule change).
All church members interested in the topic are invited to attend. Contact: Michael Young. October's meeting will be on Sunday, October 27, when the topic will be, "Personal Boundaries." This will be at 11:45 am also.
Contact Michael Young for more information.