Communication Skills Workshop
Your Right Relations Team will be providing a Communications Skills Workshop on Thursday, April 26 from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm in Forbes Hall, to which all are invited. We will explore skills that will help us live into our Covenant of Right Relations. With our Covenant we are committing to caring, welcoming, communicating, apologizing, forgiving and striving to be as compassionate and kind as we are able. When we fall short, we will try to acknowledge our mistakes. This will most certainly be, at times, challenging and fulfilling and exciting and growthful. We are working to live in right relation with one another.
You may read the Covenant on our church website: You may also pick up a copy of the Covenant at the Right Relations table after each service.
Please sign up for the Workshop at the Right Relations table on Sunday. A member of our Right Relations Team will be glad to respond to your questions and chat with you about what’s happening in right relations these days. See you there!

Date / Time:
Contact Name:
Beth Rendeiro