FIA and Peace and Social Justice - The Faces of Homelessness
Set-up for this event begins at 6pm
Homelessness in greater Los Angeles is a growing crisis. Conditions in Downtown LA recently shocked a visiting UN monitor on extreme poverty, and recently, the LA Times Editorial Board called these conditions “a national disgrace.”

UU Santa Monica’s FIA Peace & Social Justice Committee, as well as Organizing For Action (OFA) SoCal will present a panel of experts, advocates and journalists in an interactive discussion exploring the many facets of the homelessness issue and the numerous challenges facing our brothers and sisters who are un-housed. There is much to learn and understand, but also much to be done; the evening will include a call to action for more citizens to get involved, and ways to do so. Contact: Kathleen Hogue, or James Witker,
Parking at the UCLA structure is available for this event.
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