RRTF - Dialogue Circle
Two Dialogue Circles to discuss the rough draft of the Covenant of Right Relations have now been held. If you haven’t had a chance to provide feedback or input, please attend our third and final Circle on Sunday, November 19 from 1 – 3. You may sign up at the Right Relations table in Forbes Hall after both services or by emailing: rightrelations@uusm.org. This is an exciting process of contemplating and deciding how we want to be with one another. We are committing to our highest aspirations for relationship and we need everyone’s voice and heart for it to fully reflect our community.
And the Right Relations Task Force is also available to help talk through any concerns or conflicts you are presently holding or experiencing. Just complete a Note to Right Relations and let us know what’s on your mind. Stop by the Sunday table in Forbes or drop a line to the above email.