Art Wall - Opening Reception

For this show Saldo has selected works from his ‘Pixelism series,’ these photos come directly from his camera. All the works in the show were done without filters and or compositing; Saldo refers to them as “Digital Originals.” Sharpness and focus rarely come into play, it’s all about color, shape and form. In order to achieve a Compressed Watercolor feel, Saldo uses Low Resolution combined with high digital zoom—this helps smear the colors. Many of the images were captured from three miles away. Saldo often discovered interesting compositions with binoculars; he then lined up his camera with a fluid head tripod. He says, “With a fluid head, I am able to move smoothly, constantly composing, rapidly releasing the shutter, feeling the passion, hoping for that magic moment when I know I have captured humanity.
Contact Our Art Director, Beverly Alison for further info about this show or about exhibiting on our Art Wall.
Date / Time:
Repeats every month on the first Sunday until Sun Sep 03 2017 except Sun Jul 02 2017, Sun Sep 03 2017. Also includes Sun Jul 09 2017.