Town Hall Meeting - Discussion of Congregational Conversations Report

Town Hall Meeting This Sunday
Sunday March 20, 12:30pm in the Sanctuary 
There is a Town Hall meeting this Sunday hosted by Ken Brown 
to present and hear your questions and feedback 
on the Congregational Conversations Report. 
Childcare will be available.
The Board of Directors is in discussion about the recommendations. As we move forward, please ask yourselves how you might contribute to the health and sustainability of our church. Our future is in our own hands. 
There will also be a Town Hall meeting facilitated by Ken Brown, our regional representative, on Sunday, March 20 from 12:30 to 2:30 in the Sanctuary to present and discuss the report. 
Best regards, 
Patricia Wright, 
Rev. Rebecca Benefiel Bijur, 310.829-5436 ext. 104 
Sue Stoyanoff, 
Leon Henderson-MacLennan, twistedstrands2001@yahoo.com310.923.0370 
Date / Time: 