Congregational Meeting: Vote on Finance Recommendations
PURPOSE: To vote on the recommendations about our financial future from the Committee on Money and the Board of Directors
Congregational Meeting
UUSM Committee on Money and Board Joint Recommendations
February 14, 2016 at 12:30pm in the Sanctuary
1. Chalice Lighting: Rev. Rebecca Benefiel Bijur
2. Call to Order and Quorum Report
- Appointment of:
a. Inspector of Elections: Wendi Gladstone
b. Ballot/Hand Counters: Joyce Holmen, Roberta Frye, Beth Rendeiro, Karen Hsu Patterson, Dan Patterson
c. Timekeeper: Vilma Ortiz
d. Parliamentarian: Dan Nannini
4. Adoption of Rules of the Meeting
5. RESOLUTION I: The Congregation approves the establishment of a set of general Church financial and accounting Principles and Practices to clarify and strengthen our current practices.
6. RESOLUTION II: The Congregation approves the establishment of an Operating Account to provide liquidity for the ordinary financial operations of the church.
7. RESOLUTIONS III and IV – RESERVE ACCOUNTS: The Congregation approves the establishment and the defining purposes for five Reserve Accounts, with initial dollar and future percentage allocations.
7a. RESOLUTION IIIa: The Congregation approves the establishment of the Catastrophic (Insurance Deductibles) Reserve Account.
7b. RESOLUTION IIIb: The Congregation approves the establishment of the Capital/Building Reserve account.
7c. RESOLUTION IIIc: The Congregation approves the establishment of the Contingency Reserve Account.
7d. RESOLUTION IIId: The Congregation approves the establishment of the 2016-17 Annual Budget Deficit Reserve Fund for a possible deficit.
7e. RESOLUTION IV: The Congregation approves adopting the Reserve Account Standard and Practices.
8a. RESOLUTION VIII: The congregation approves the authorization and establishment of a Church Endowment Fund to provide future earnings to the church.
8b. RESOLUTION IX: The Congregation approves the adoptions of investment and management standards and practices for Endowment Fund assets.
9. Closing remarks by Ron Crane, Chair of the Committee on Money.
The Board of Directors hopes all Church members will share in the participatory democracy of this Congregation. A quorum for all Church business meetings consists of not less than 1/6 of the voting members. Non-members are welcome to attend, but cannot vote. Childcare will be available.
Please Note: Voting members of the Church who do not expect to be present may vote in absentia in either of two manners:
(1) By designating another voting member, who will attend the meeting, as his or her proxy. No attending member shall hold the proxy for more than one absent member. The attending member shall specify whose proxy he or she holds at the time of check-in to the meeting.
(2) By completing and submitting an absentee ballot by Friday, February 12 by noon.. Ballots are available to members unable to attend the Annual Meeting upon request from the Church office at 310-829-5436 or
Deadline for absentee ballot submission is Friday, February 12 at 12 noon. Please return Ballots in an envelope marked “Absentee Ballot” with your name on the outside