Second Sunday Cinema - FIA/PSJ Film Screening: "This Changes Everything"

Whatever the outcome of the UN climate change conference in Paris—and it doesn’t appear that the agreement will be close to sufficient to limit the rise of temperature to 1.5-2.0 degrees Celsius—people around the world will still have to mobilize in great numbers to put pressure on their governments to drastically limit the amount of carbon released into the air.

In the film This Changes Everything (2015, directed by Avi Lewis) based on Naomi Klein’s bestselling book of the same title, Klein presents portraits of seven communities on five continents struggling with the consequences of climate change.  She connects the carbon in the air with the economic system that put it there and concludes that we can seize the crisis of climate change to transform our failed economic system into something radically better.

On January 10 the Peace and Social Justice Committee will screen the film in the Sanctuary at 7:30 after Second Sunday Supper.  It is 90 minutes long and we will have a discussion afterward.  We hope you will join us!


Date / Time: 
Contact Name: 
Roberta Frye