Compassionate Communication with Mary MacKenzie
The Board and the Committee on Ministry invite you to attend a workshop on “Connecting our Community through Listening and Talking Compassionately with One Another” on Saturday, October 3, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. in Forbes Hall. The workshop, sponsored by the Board and Committee on Ministry, will be led by Mary Mackenzie, an expert in compassionate communication. We will have the opportunity to explore our feelings about this community that we love and support and to learn how to value, respect, and be open to the feelings and needs of everyone in our beloved spiritual community.
10 to 10:30 am — Opening and Introductions
10:30 to 11:30 am — Needs and Feelings; and Differentiating between Needs and Preferences (our differences often show up in our preferences, not our values; the more we focus on our values, the greater our opportunity for finding common ground and peaceful resolutions that value everyone’s needs)
11:30 to 12:30 pm — Self Empathy (the profound importance of first knowing what we want and then acting in ways that are more likely to inspire a response to achieve it)
12:30 to 1:30 pm — LUNCH – We will break bread together.
1:30 to 3 pm — Empathy for Another Person (understanding and connecting with the deeper meaning behind a person’s actions and words, to build greater connection and compassion between people, especially those who hold a different view)
3 to 3:15 pm — BREAK
3:15 to 4:45 — Asking for What You Want in a Positive Way (how to express yourself in ways that are more likely to be received well by others, and your needs are more likely to be met)
4:45 to 5 pm — Closing