How Can UUs Welcome the Sacred? (9 am) & Living with Fear, Responding with Hope (11 am)
9 a.m. service
The Rev. John Millspaugh
“How Can UUs Welcome the Sacred?”
Regardless of our spiritual beliefs, or lack thereof, all of us have encountered the depth of existence that reminds us that life is full of hope and dynamic possibility. Do deeply meaningful moments arise randomly, or is there something we can do to invite them into our lives? Come hear an unexpected perspective on “the Sacred” and what it has to do with pottery
and poetry, love and lower back pain.
The Rev. John Millspaugh is minister of Tapestry, a Unitarian Universalist congregation in Mission Viejo, CA.
11 a.m. service
The Rev. Sarah Millspaugh
“Living with Fear, Responding with Hope”
At a time when fear seems to pervade our political, civic, commercial, and religious institutions, how can we respond with hope? What are some spiritual resources we can draw on as Unitarian Universalists to counter cynicism and despair and embrace life in its fullness? Come explore these questions and reflect on living between fear and hope.
The Rev. Sarah Gibb Millspaugh is the UUA’s adult programs director and affiliated community minister ofTapestry.