Holy Silence (Special Online Only Service)
Sunday, March 29, 2020 - 10:00am
Rev. Jeremiah Kalendae
Worship Associate:
Dorothy Steinicke
"Find a stillness, hold a stillness, let the stillness carry me…” Join us this Sunday for a meditation on silence.
Please note that this will be an ONLINE ONLY service. To watch the live video, please go to our UUSM Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/uusantamonica/ at 10:00 a.m. on Sunday. If the video link doesn't appear immediately, please be patient (we're still new at this and it took a few extra minutes to get it up and running last week). If you don't see the live video right at 10 a.m., please note that you do NOT have to look elsewhere. It will appear on this page as soon as it's available. Thank you and we look forward to seeing you online on Sunday!