FIA News Archive
"Peace, Propaganda & the Promised Land: U.S. Media & the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict" analyzes howU.S. media coverage has reinforced false perceptions ofIsrael's four-decade occupation of the West Bank andGaza, and compares it to international media coverageof the occupation and resistance to it. The Peace &Social Justice Committee will show this film Sunday,January 23, from 12:30 to 2:15 p.m. The screening willbe followed by a discussion led by a member of theIsrael Divestment Campaign, the first effort in the appeal to voters to hold Israel accountable for violationsof international law and human rights. Please joinus in the cottage for this importantevent. Light refreshments will beserved. For more information, contact Roberta Frye.
Put Your Faith in Action! will be the Theme of January's Art Wall
Sponsored by the UUCCSM Faith in Action Commission(FIA), the exhibit consists of prints, photos,and posters related to the work of the committees underthe FIA umbrella, including Peace & Social Justice,Multi-Racial Development, Hunger Task Force, Green,and Interweave.
FIA will host a reception in Forbes Hall Sunday, January9, at 12:30 p.m. The exhibit will be up and readyfor viewing Sunday, January 2 through Sunday, January30, when FIA will be co-hosting "Peace Sunday" from3 to 5 p.m. in the Sanctuary. Exhibitors at Peace Sundaywill have their tables set up by 2 p.m. in ForbesHall, where the art will form a fitting backdrop.
The "Put your faith in action!" exhibit includes aprint by Josh MacPhee that dramatically documents the23 countries the US has bombed since WWII.MacPhee, whose art is shown around the world,founded a distribution center - now a 25-artist cooperative- called JUSTSEEDS to get radical art out to thepublic. He has also written books, including "ArtAgainst Authority" and "Paper Politics."
Photographs of FIA activities include our participationin this year's May 1 march for immigrant rightsand in the May 29 march in Phoenix against Arizona'santi-immigrant legislation, SB1070.
Faith in Action Town Hall
Peacemaking: A Draft Statement of Conscience
The invasion and occupation of Iraq is going on sixyears in 2009. President-elect Barak Obama has todecide on a strategy for Afghanistan. How do we asUUs feel about pacifism versus a "just" war? How dowe practice "just" peacemaking?
Attend the FIA Town Hall meeting on January 11 tocontribute your thoughts and vote on the followingstatement of conscience:
Do we, the UUCCSM, covenant to take up peacemakingas part of our mission through worship, religiouseducation, and social action?
Please take a look at the UUA's website for the completetext of the proposed draft statement:
In order for Peacemaking: A Draft Statement of Conscience to appear on the General Assembly (GA) 2009agenda, a 25% quorum of congregations is required.That is, 25% of all certified congregations must participatein the Congregational Poll. Let us fully participatein our democratic process by having our congregationalvoice heard. Handouts on the proposed statementwill be provided at the meeting.
- Cathie Gentile
Promote Tolerance
Promote toleranceWe all need to be active participants in fighting prejudiceand stereotypes. The Southern Poverty Law Centersuggests ways we can promote tolerance and fight hate.Here are two things we can do:1. Speak up when you hear slurs. Let people knowthat biased speech is unacceptable. Apathy can be asdangerous as hate.2. Complain to media outlets when they promotestereotypes.Let's be active in speaking out for the inherent worthand dignity of every person.
- Sandra TruttMultiracial Development Committee
Undy Sundays are Coming
Undy Sundays are comingWhile you are doing your holiday shopping,remember to look for underwear. During January UndySundays collect new underwear of any size for men,women, or children. For several years, our church hasbeen able to provide new underwear for those in needin our community. We have contributed throughOPCC, Daybreak, the Salvation Army, Step Up on Second,the rape treatment center at SMUCLA hospital,and others. Please remember how valuable it is to havesomething new to put on when you get clean and offerthat feeling to others.
Holiday Bazaar
Sunday, November 23,10:00 a.m.
The Faith in Action Multi-CulturalHoliday Bazaar will be held onSunday, November 23, from10 a.m. to 1 p.m. in Forbes Hall.This holiday season, relieve the strain on your pocketbookand help others at the same time. You’ll findgreat deals that support great causes like social andeconomic justice, programs on hunger, homelessness,civil liberties, peace, the environment, fair elections,and health care. Most toys and gifts are under $15, andmany are much less. Please help us spread the word:notify all your friends, neighbors, and colleagues by emailor telephone.Donations of holiday gifts, baked goods, and treatsare welcomed. Please bring them to Forbes Hall after 9a.m. on Sunday, November 23. Helpers get first pick, soplease volunteer to help.
FIA Speaker Series
Carol Watson, legal scholar and lecturer, was a memberof the Fellowship of Reconciliation (FOR) delegationwho visited Iran earlier this year. She will speak on thatexperience in the sanctuary on Friday, October 10, at7p.m. FOR-USA was founded in 1915 and is an interfaithand international movement with branches and groupsin more than 40 countries and on every continent. Todaythe membership of FOR includes Jews, Christians, Buddhists,Muslims, and people of other faith traditions, aswell as those with no formal religious affiliation.
Faith in Action Commission
At the 8th Annual Congregational Issues Election,the group voted to support the development of twonew programs: (1) to support the "New SanctuaryMovement" in collaboration with Clergy and LaityUnited for Economic Justice (CLUE) to be chaired byCathie Gentile; and, (2) "Can Kids Make a BetterWorld," chaired by Len Harris. Look for further informationon all of the activities that make up FIA at ourtable in Forbes Hall.The meeting was chaired by Cathie Gentile, chair ofFaith in Action. Participants included: Cathie Gentile,Christine & Charles Haskell, Lloyd Drum, Ron Francis,Len Harris, Marge Zifferblatt, Rick Rhoads, PeggyRhoads, Barbara Gibbs, Roberta Frye, Beverly Alison,Diana Spears, Lyn Armondo, Mois
Please planto attendthe AnnualFaith in ActionIssues Electionon Sunday, September21 at12:45 p.m., in thesanctuary. There will be reports from the currentcommittees and guest speakers. We are interested inhearing from members of the congregation regardingany new issues for action this coming church year.A light lunch will be served before the meeting.
— Cathie Gentile
Volunteer Opportunities for the Westside Winter Shelter
1.Prepare, deliver and serve a hot meal for 150 people at the Culver City Armory.
o 1 time o 1 time a month o 2 times a month
Dates needed: Saturdays & Sundays December 1 to March 15, Christmas Day, NewYears Eve, New Years Day,Valentine's Day
2. All other food donations can be scheduled for anytime of the week.
Prepare, pack and deliver a sack lunch for 150 people at the Culver City Armory.
o 1 time o 1 time a month o 2 times a month o 1 time a week
3.Bake/purchase and deliver dessert for 150 people at the Culver City Armory.
o 1 time o 1 time a month o 2 times a month o 1 time a week
4. Donate and deliver fresh fruit for 150 people at the Culver City Armory.
o 1 time o 1 time a month o 2 times a month o 1 time a week
1.Collect and donate toiletry supplies including; shampoo, lotion, deodorant,toothpaste, toothbrushes, soap, feminine hygiene products, hairbrushes, etc.Items can be donated in bulk or assembled in bags with all of the above items.
2.Collect and donate socks for men and women.
3.Collect and donate underwear for men and women.
4.Collect and donate blankets.
o We can commit to providing ____number of ___________________________.
Financial Support
Adopt a family - Donate money to place a family in temporary shelter duringthe Winter Shelter winter shelter period. $100 provides shelter and a mealvoucher for a family for one day during the winter shelter period.
o We can commit to providing________number of days of shelter for a family.
Participate in Project Homeless Connect 6 to 9 p.m. on a weeknight in lateFebruary. This is an event to do outreach at the winter shelter, and severalWSHC member agencies will set up a table and inform shelter residents aboutthe services available at their agency and make a referral. We have also hadhaircuts available, as well as toiletry bags, socks, fresh fruit, snack and dessert.Volunteers are needed for the day of the event as well as the donation of theitems available above, and hairdressers to provide haircuts at the event.
o We are interested in volunteering/providing resources for Project HomelessConnect.
Contact Name_____________________________________
Organization ______________________________________
Contact #/E-Mail____________________________________
To return your volunteer form and for more information on how you can help,please contact Lorene Gingerich of the Westside Shelter & Hunger Coalition at(310) 314-0071 or
FIA Feeds the Homeless
A Mother's Day dinner was delivered to TurningPoint, a homeless shelter that our church supports, by aspecial group of women accompanied by some of theirchildren, who volunteered their time as a gift to theirmom.
Participating were Anne Gallagher with son Tom;Maria Groezinger and daughters, Emma and Hanna;Didi Rea and her daughter Josie; Barbara Kernochan,and Jessamine Winston. The recipients gave a bigapplause for the dinner - the chicken dish and thedesserts were especially big hits.
Faith in Action supports Turning Point on two otherholidays: Martin Luther King Day and Labor Day. Volunteersgenerally purchase and prepare food, and serve anevening dinner. One of our small ministry groups provideddinner on Martin Luther King Day as an in-serviceproject. This is a rewarding way to spend a holiday.Please contact Marsha Smithif you are interested in participating in the coming year.
Eighth Annual All-Church Interweave Picnic is August 10
The eighth annual all-church Interweave Picnic willbe held on Sunday, August 10, immediately after the 10a.m. service, on the church grounds.
The Women's Alliance (established by our freethinkingforemothers in 1927) and Interweave (the UU groupfor bisexuals, gays, lesbians, transgenders, and theirfriends and allies) welcome you to picnic, socialize, andget to know people from Common Ground's HomelessYouth Program.
Common Ground's mission is to bring diverse membersof the Westside community together in the fightagainst AIDS. They provide comprehensive social servicesand public education programs to Westside residentsliving with and at-risk for HIV. They ensure thatpeople of diverse cultural backgrounds, those living inpoverty, youth, and people who are homeless are able toaccess their services.
All are welcome to join the fun. Bring children, parents,guitars, games, sunscreen, and hats.
Free food and drink will be provided: hot dogs, othergood stuff, and treats.
Donations will be gratefully accepted for CommonGround Westside.
Please Contribute Toiletries to Common Ground in June
Interweave, our affiliate group for bisexuals, gays,lesbians, and transgenders, and their friends andallies, will be collecting travel-size toiletries for homelessyouth who seek services at Common Ground, theWestside HIV Community Center.
Please bring items to the Daybreak table in ForbesHall after services in June.
Common Ground, located at 2012 Lincoln Blvd. inSanta Monica, provides homeless youth basicresources (clothing, hygiene products, an address toreceive mail); medical, mental, and dental health services;HIV prevention; legal advocacy; and job/educationalsupport.
For more information about Common Ground andtheir needs, visit, call(310) 314-5480, or e-mail Also contact our liaison with CommonGround, Judy Federick if you would like to help out or havequestions.
Join the Pride Parade
Come join us for this year's LGBT Pride Celebration andParade on Sunday, June 8.All are invited to march: singles and families,adults and children,gay and straight together.Lastyear our congregation had over 30 marchers - let's double that this year.The walk is very manageable and the experienceis exhilarating (just ask one of the many who have done it).Many of you already have your T-shirt so come be part of ourcolorful UU rainbow. It's truly a DON'T MISS event. Contact Janet Goodwin to say that you are interested(I'll put you on the e-mail list of updates). The general time frame is 9:30/10 a.m. to 12:30/1:30 p.m. but the actualmarching is around an hour and a quarter. Let's show Los Angeles that we stand on the side of love.
- Janet Goodwin
Interweave Seeks Help for Common Ground
Interweave, our affiliate group for bisexuals, gays,lesbians, and transgenders, and their friends and allies,will be collecting jeans and sweatshirts for homelessyouth who seek services at Common Ground, the WestsideHIV Community Center. Common Ground,located at 2012 Lincoln Blvd. in Santa Monica, provideshomeless youth basic resources (clothing, hygieneproducts, an address to receive mail); medical, mental,and dental health services; HIV prevention; legal advocacy;and job/educational support.
Please bring new or gently used, clean items to theInterweave table in Forbes Hall after services in March.In subsequent months, we'll be collecting other clothingand art items for the youth-we'll keep you postedon what they need.
For more information about Common Ground andtheir needs, visit,e-mail, or call(310) 314-5480. Also contact our liaison with CommonGround, Judy Federick if you would like to help out or if youhave questions.
Thanks for the Undies
Once again you have been generous with those inneed. Thanks to you, we have distributed underwearfor:
Faith In Action and the Peace & Civil LibertiesCommittee Event - Father Roy Bourgeois
Faith In Action and The Peace & Civil LibertiesCommittee present Father Roy Bourgeois,founder of the School of the Americas Watch. OnTuesday, January 8, come to see "The Struggle toClose the School of the Americas." Gather at7 p.m. for the program, which starts at 7:30 p.m.Special guests are Theresa and Blase Bonpane,and Frank Dorrel, with music by Jose-LuisOrozco. There is a suggested donation of $10 atthe door. For more information, visit School of the Americas Watch at
SOAWatch is an independent organizationthat seeks to close the U.S. Army School of theAmericas, under whatever name it is called,through vigils and fasts, demonstrations andnonviolent protest, as well as media, and legislativework. On November 16, 1989, six Jesuitpriests, their co-worker, and her teenage daughterwere massacred in El Salvador. A U.S. CongressionalTask Force reported that those responsiblewere trained at the U.S. Army School of theAmericas (SOA) at Ft. Benning, Georgia. In 1990SOAWatch began in a tiny apartment outside themain gate of Ft. Benning. While starting with asmall group, SOAWatch quickly drew upon theknowledge and experience of many in the U.S.who had worked with the people of Latin Americain the 1970s and '80s.
Today, the SOAWatch movement is a large,diverse, grassroots movement rooted in solidaritywith the people of Latin America. The goal of SOAWatch is to close the SOA and to change U.S. foreignpolicy in Latin America by educating thepublic, lobbying Congress, and participating increative, nonviolent resistance. The Pentagon hasresponded to the growing movement and to Congress'near closure of the SOA with a PR campaignto give the SOA a new image. In an attemptto disassociate the school with its horrific past,the SOA was renamed the Western HemisphereInstitute for Security Cooperation in January of2001.
Attend this event on January 8 to learn moreabout the work of SOAWatch. Park for free in theUCLA garage on 16th Street.