Building News Archive
May 2001
Current Project Plans and Revisions
Barbara Kernochan reported progress in discussions with Santa Monica city officialsabout various approvals needed for our church's proposed building program. Shenoted that plans for a bridge across the alley connecting the second floor ofForbes Hall to a new religious education building on 17th Street have been shelvedbecause a bridge would have to be higher than the roof of Forbes Hall so truckscould pass.
Plans now call for a two-story structure on 17th Street for religious educationclasses, meeting rooms, and other uses, for enlarging the sanctuary by extendingit south into the current office space, and for the renovation of upstairs roomsinto office space.
Jim Cadwell reported that the project cost and capital campaign goal has beenrevised to $1.5 million. Capital Campaign organizers held orientation meetingson May 22 and 23 for small groups of members, as the beginning of involvingeveryone in the campaign efforts.
Annual Report to the Congregation
On Sunday, May 20, Barbara Kernochan reported:
1. We have met with the Santa Monica Planning Department. Senior planning staffwere encouraging about our building proposal, noting that two church expansionprojects similar to ours met with approval this past year. We now know exactlywhat documents will need to be submitted in our own approval process. Our land-useattorney will file Parking Variance and Conditional Use Permit applicationson our behalf. We have also learned that the city is willing to extend our finishdeadline to ten years, which allows us enormous flexibility. We are in the processof updating our facility usage survey and have sent a letter of intent to SantaMonica-UCLA Medical Center to open negotiations for a parking agreement.
2. Financials: We have set our capital campaign goal. The figure will not allowus to build all that we would like, but it is an attainable goal, given thesize of our congregation and the history of generosity we have established.We may indeed look to creative financing in order to make up some shortfall,as many congregations must do. The establishment of a clear fundraising goalis an important step in clarifying the building program, and has brought ourarchitect's challenge into sharp focus.
3. Architecture: The board has instructed that our architect proceed to theschematic drawing phase, thus defining the scope of work every more clearly.The elements we are requesting remain as before: a new building on 17th Street,with nursery, classroom/meeting rooms, and library/multi-use space, a 30% increaseto our sanctuary space, a reconfiguration of the upstairs into administrativeoffices, accessibility including two elevators and redesigned circulation, exteriorelements to include some parking, play space and memory garden. Overall, a placeof good bones, light, movement, and beauty. We are no longer looking for a bridgingof the alley, nor any major renovation to Forbes Hall. A structural engineerhas assessed Forbes Hall and recommends we leave it intact. As the schematicwork reaches completion, the current cost uncertainties will be minimized, andwe can cost out the project with some degree of accuracy. We look forward toarchitectural drawings in the next few months, to finally give substance toour long-held vision.
Apr 2001
At the April board meeting, Pat Barnicoat, a loan officer at First FederalBank, explained the criteria for a church receiving building loans from a bank...andrecommended we "raise a lot of money." Rod Lane presented the buildingupdate, including news that connecting the proposed bridge over the alley toForbes Hall will be very costly, because the building has many peculiaritiesand infirmities. Tearing down Forbes Hall, however, would require changes inour setback, parking and other requirements. A less expensive alternative tothe bridge would be a crosswalk with a crossing guard.
Mar 2001
Building Committee Forms
Thanks to overwhelming congregational approval to proceed with a building program,a Building Committee is now taking form to guide and oversee the facility improvementsand construction we hope to undertake. Several church members have already steppedforward to offer insights and expertise in useful areas, from construction tocreative project development to clarifying the sometimes convoluted workingsof city planning. Members of the new Building Committee are: Abby Arnold,Wally Boag, David Denton, Jay Gobus, Mel Horan, Rod Lane, Kevin Pierik, JudySchonebaum and Greg Wood. Barbara Kernochan chairs the group.Pat Mcguire has been asked to evaluate our potential to relocate to anotherwestside site, as a key alternative to the building plan. Church members wishingto offer their talents to the building program may contact Barbara via e-mailor phone.
Feb 2001
At the January 28 meeting, capital campaign chair Ray Goodman reportedthat our pre-capital fund drive has already raised more than $1.25 million incash and endowment pledges toward the $2.5 million estimated cost of the buildingproject...and outlined plans for raising the remainder of the balance throughcongregational contributions and real estate loans.
In April, President Jim Cadwell proposed a plan for carrying out the capitalcampaign, and a motion was passed unanimously that the board will empower thesteering committee to evaluate and schedule the next step in the capital campaign.
UUSM Building and Expansion History
1926: Santa Monica congregation organized.
1927: Congregation begins meeting in home of Rev. Lawrence Hayward. AllSouls Unitarian Church of Santa Monica officially founded. Rev. James MacDonaldbegins his ministry, conducting services in a room of the Santa Monica Womens'sClub
1930: Church buys 18th street property and constructs and builds thecurrent building (with a parsonage cottage added later at the back of the property).
1950s: An open porch is added to the minister's study, and the churchoffice is enclosed for church school use, and a room connecting the back ofthe church to the parsonage is built. Parsonage is converted to Sunday schooluse and minister moves off campus.
1959-60: Forbes Hall built, with classrooms above, to accommodate newgrowth. Sanctuary is also expanded to the north, into the former social hall.
1966: Property on 17th Street is purchased to provide room for futureexpansion.
1980s: The organ is built installed and dedicated.
1992: The Anderson Courtyard and the Mitchell Marcus memorial fountainare dedicated.
1994: Northridge earthquake badly damages the church and shakes the 17thStreet house off its foundation.
1997: House removed from 17th Street lot.
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