
This is a full list of sermons presented at UUCCSM since mid-1999. Links to sermon texts are included when made available by their authors. Audio recordings are also available for most sermons presented after September, 2007 by our staff ministers and others directly affiliated with our church (just click the speaker icon next to each sermon where it's available*). Audio from guest speakers is posted only when we have their permission to share it.

Hard copies of sermons by Rev. Jeremiah Kalendae are available in the church office. Contact office assistant Sibylla Nash at if you have a request.

"Leaving Room for Hope: Sermons for Uncertain Times," a book of Minister Emerita Judith Meyer's sermons, is available here.

**Please Note: Video recordings are available for sermons with a small TV icon showing at the bottom of the sermon listing. Just click the icon to watch the service.**

Coming of Age (9:00 a.m. service) + Annual Meeting (11:30 a.m. instead of service)
Monthly Theme: Freedom
Coming of Age Youth (9 a.m. only)

Please note there will be only one service at 9am on May 17, celebrating our Coming of Age youth. The one service at 9 am will be followed by our Annual Meeting at 11:30am in the Sanctuary. All voting members of the congregation are invited to participate in our shared leadership and decision-making! There will be no 11am worship service on May 17.

Arise All Women!
Monthly Theme: Freedom
Nica Eaton-Guinn, Intern Minister

[Unfortunately, no audio recording is available for this service.]

Oh, Freedom!
Monthly Theme: Freedom
Rev. Rebecca Benefiel Bijur

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Building a New Way
Monthly Theme: Renewal
Rev. Rebecca Benefiel Bijur

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Return Again
Monthly Theme: Renewal
Rev. Rebecca Benefiel Bijur and Nica Eaton-Guinn, worship leaders

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Universalism: Past, Present and Powerful
Monthly Theme: Renewal
Rev. Kalen Fristad, preaching, with Rev. Rebecca Benefiel Bijur, worship leader

Rev. Kalen Fristad has been a United Methodist minister for more than 38 years, is a member of the Unitarian Universalist Christian Fellowship, and is President of the Christian Universalist Association. He traveled the country full time with his wife, Darlene, from 2003 to 2006 accepting invitations to speak at churches, countering the teaching that many people will suffer for eternity in hell and proclaiming the hopeful message of universalism. Following then, he served churches in Iowa half time, while spending half time on the road. He retired from the parish ministry in 2013, but continues to travel the country speaking on universalism. Over the years he has spoken at more than 160 UU churches

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Now I Walk in Beauty: Easter Morning with UU Santa Monica
Monthly Theme: Renewal
Rev. Rebecca Benefiel Bijur, Nica Eaton-Guinn, DeReau Farrar and Catherine Farmer Loya

Our joyful services will include a UU Flower Communion and music from Adult Choir at both 9am and 11am.

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Before and After
Monthly Theme: Brokenness
Rev. Rebecca Benefiel Bijur

[Sorry - no audio recording is available for this service.]

YRUU Service
Monthly Theme: Brokenness
Catherine Farmer Loya and Nica Eaton-Guinn
Broken Open
Monthly Theme: Brokenness
Nica Eaton-Guinn, Intern Minister

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