The Mystic Path
The Rev. Ricky Hoyt, guest speaker
Mysticism is a spiritual state of directly experiencing divine reality. Across diverse religious cultures the mystic path and the goal mystics describe is similar enough to suggest a universal truth and an effective practice useful to seekers of all kinds.
Ricky Hoyt is minister of the Unitarian Universalist Church of the Verdugo Hills.
Music To Be Announced
Racing Time
The Rev. Judith Meyer, speaker
Our speeded-up world is taking its toll on us. Can we buck the trend and still lead the life we want to lead? Ofelia Lachtman will read from her children’s story Pepita Takes Time. A new member recognition ceremony will take place at both services. (Read Sermon Text)
Music: To Be Announced
Claiming Your Story
Dr. Jonathan Young, guest speaker
Dr. Jonathan Young, storyteller and psychologist, says of his sermon, "We will delight in 'The Ugly Duckling' - to consider how we find the best situations for our energies - and use ideas from Joseph Campbell on how timeless tales can help us take our own stories in new directions." Dr. Young assisted Joseph Campbell at seminars and was the founding curator of the Joseph Campbell Archives & Library from 1990-95. He also chaired the Mythological Studies Department at the Pacifica Graduate Institute and now gives courses for psychotherapists through the Center for Story and Symbol. Music Susan Feldman, violin
Spirit of Life: Unitarian Universalist Service Committee Membership Sunday
Lisa Graham, Music Director, and the Rev. Judith Meyer, speakers
The Unitarian Service Committee played an active role in helping refugees escape the holocaust and internment in concentration camps. Those who were interned, however, found ways to express their wish for freedom and their common humanity. One way was through music.
Music: Inspiring music from the Holocaust
The Ultimate Gift of Life
The Rev. Judith Meyer, speaker
Easter Sunday The ultimate gift of life, says Bishop John Shelby Spong, is that our connection and our interdependence with one another offers us the experience of eternity. The message of Easter may be as simple as that. Music Choir at both servicesEaster Sunday The ultimate gift of life, says Bishop John Shelby Spong, is that our connection and our interdependence with one another offers us the experience of eternity. The message of Easter may be as simple as that. Music Choir at both services
Homeless Awareness Sunday
John Maceri, Executive Director, Ocean Park Community Center and the Rev. Judith Meyer, speakers
Homelessness in our community has increased by nearly 30% this past year. We will look at what we can do to alleviate this tragic situation. The service culminates a week of interfaith activities to raise our awareness about homelessness on the Westside of Los Angeles. Music J. Karen Thomas, vocalist
The Garden of Love
The Rev. Judith Meyer, speaker
"You've got to learn to garden as you get older," says one authority on aging. The task is to "sow and re-sow" the seeds of love. Music Church members, including Wally Giffen and Peter Van den Beem"You've got to learn to garden as you get older," says one authority on aging. The task is to "sow and re-sow" the seeds of love. Music Church members, including Wally Giffen and Peter Van den Beem
Doing Justice to the West
The Rev. Judith Meyer, speaker
Helen Hunt Jackson, a nineteenth century Unitarian who moved from New England to Colorado Springs, was appalled by the U.S. government?s unfair and cruel treatment of the North American Indians. She published two enduring works, the novel Ramona, and the polemic A Century of Dishonor, to bring public attention to her cause. Music Cal State Northridge Women's ChoraleHelen Hunt Jackson, a nineteenth century Unitarian who moved from New England to Colorado Springs, was appalled by the U.S. government?s unfair and cruel treatment of the North American Indians. She published two enduring works, the novel Ramona, and the polemic A Century of Dishonor, to bring public attention to her cause. Music Cal State Northridge Women's Chorale
When Faith Moves West
The Rev. Judith Meyer, speaker
Even the first Unitarian and Universalist ministers to move west had somewhat opportunistic reasons. One came in search of gold; preaching was his day job. Has our history influenced our way of being a faith community? Music David Ellis, guitarEven the first Unitarian and Universalist ministers to move west had somewhat opportunistic reasons. One came in search of gold; preaching was his day job. Has our history influenced our way of being a faith community? Music David Ellis, guitar
Making Sense of Sin
The Rev. Ricky Hoyt, guest speaker
Sin is an important theological category in most religions. Unitarian Universalists also need language that encourages us to admit our imperfections and accept responsibility for our actions. Is there a way to avoid the problems of sin-talk without throwing out the word entirely? Music Betsy Bogart, voice