CareRing - Zoom/Online CareRing Committee invites all in the UUCCSM community to a virtual facilitated circle of caring. Zoom link will be sent after registration. The goal of this gathering is to re-connect, catch up and share personal thoughts, feelings, and strategies for dealing with a challenging time. We hope you will join us for this connection time. Please RSVP to: |
Caring for Our Caregivers What happens when those who raised us – those we’ve turned to for Love – suddenly start turning to us? As we honor Mother’s Day, we’ll look at the unconditional love and sacrifice which nurtured us, and the love and sacrifice our parents may require as they age. We will explore the impact of Alzheimer’s and other dementias as well as other limitations of chronic and life-threatening illnesses. How we support each other with the very human gifts of recognition, affection, and understanding is a central question at the heart of our belief in the inherent worth and dignity of all beings. Besides honoring mothers and caregivers, we’ll also acknowledge the work of our Care Ring Team. Services at 9 and 11 a.m. (last week of our spring schedule; summer schedule begins on May 19). |
Carol Ring and Diana Spears
he March Art Wall Exhibit kicks off with a reception on Sunday, March 3 at 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm in Forbes Hall. This month’s exhibit features a collaboration of the work of two talented artists who are members of our church.
Carol Ring![]()
Carol Ring is a graphic designer and artist whose work is generated from her collection of abstract photos, taken over many years. She has developed a unique style of combining and layering photos, using translucent filters in Photoshop. Lately adding words or sentences to the mix, she has chosen to print these 8” x 8” pieces with a process of infused dyes onto coated brushed aluminum.
This is Carol’s eighth show, fourth on the UUSM Art Wall in the last 15 years; her award-winning work hangs in both private and corporate collections.
In her current exhibition, “Just Say Yes,” Carol has pared her message down to the single word YES, along with a few other affirmative words or phrases, quotes from Carl G. Jung, Eckhart Tolle and Dag Hammarskjold. All convey the positive notion: To get what you want, want what you get.
“It seems to be characteristic of the human condition that how we mentally label an experience (i.e., ‘good’ or ‘bad’) determines how we feel about it. In other words, we suffer when we want things to be different from how they are,” Carol said.
As Tina Fey advises in this pointer toward a happier life: “Say Yes. You’ll figure it out afterward.”
See these and more of Carol Ring’s work at
Diana Spears![]()
“Without err there would be no evolution as mutation is a variable built into the system of creation itself,” Spears said. “There is no is that isn’t; without the ying there is no yang; we are subsumed in each other. Those who deny this reality live in hubris and can cause great harm.” People can forgive the words said but will remember how it made them feel. The err is not just a human phenomenon, but also part of the realms of creation — all reflected in this exhibit.
To view this month’s exhibit after the March 3 reception, contact Nancy Thompson. Accessible parking is available behind the church.
Contact Beverly Alison for Art Wall inquiries.
Carol-Jean and Sam's Commitment Ceremony & Reception |
Carols and Chants We will share favorite songs and stories of the Christmas season and the winter solstice. Children are invited to stay in the service, there will be no RE classes. |
Carpe Somnium (J. Roldan) - UUSM Vocalists |
Carry the Fire In Cormac McCarthy's novel "The Road," a father passes on to his son what it means to be a good person, despite all the odds. This is what we are trying to do as a community, too. Our mission? To carry the fire. (Remarks by Leon Henderson-MacLennan |
CASA Information Session |
Catch the Spirit -- or Give it to a Friend? A church in Hollywood wrapped a banner around its steeple, proclaiming "Catch the Spirit." Is religion something we can "catch" from each other? How do we talk about our faith with our friends and family? And do they really want us to? The Annual Meeting of our congregation will take place in the sanctuary after the 1100 service. |