
To Learn, to Celebrate, to Serve

We start the church year with a service to affirm our calling as Unitarian Universalists. We also welcome the Rev. Stefanie Etzbach-Dale, our ministerial intern, who will be working with us this year.

To Live in This World

To live in this world, wrote poet Mary Oliver, you must be able to do three things. Her words – which are in our hymnbook and used often in Unitarian Universalist worship – show us the patterns of life and how to live them fully.

To Love a Place


What does it mean to love a place? What are we willing to do when we love a place?

Tolling of the Bells (One service only, at 10 a.m.)
Service of Remembrance for those persons / people who've passed in the last year: Tom Petty, Don Rickles, Fats Domino, Roger Moore, Hugh Hefner, Chuck Berry, Mary Tyler Moore.  We will also commemorate victims in the shootings in Las Vegas, Texas and the Amtrack derailment victims as well as victims of war, those who die in prison, etc.
Tom Milton Peters

Thomas Milton Peters is from Lincoln Park, MI, and currently lives in Santa Monica. After a tour in Vietnam in 1969, Tom spent 30 years working in a steel mill in Detroit. Retiring early in 1997, Tom headed west to Phoenix for a year and then on to Los Angeles. Following a short career as a graphic designer and a lifetime of photography, Peters added a doctorate to his educational accomplishments and settled into teaching. Tom
now teaches Assistive Technologies in the Center for Students with Disabilities at Santa Monica College and is a Disabilities Commissioner for the city of Santa Monica. He is a new UUCCSM member. The images for the Art Wall were captured along Venice Beach, between 2005 and 2008.

Local artists paint along the walkway for donations from tourists and leave behind a wonderful mess. On early morning walks from his nearby studio apartment Tom photographed what he found interesting. All the images have since been acid washed from the walkway. The only change made from what was found on the ground was some saturation in Photoshop. Tom met some of the struggling artists along the walkway, some are homeless, and promised them if he was ever fortunate enough to actually sell some images he would be back to share
the proceeds. Reception on May 5 at noon.

June Art Wall Dedicated to Our Children

Once each year we exhibit the art produced by our children 18 and under. Each piece must be framed,
preferably with a wire on the back. There are no restrictions as to size or medium. Submit only one piece per child accompanied by a small label containing title, medium, and price. If the art is not for sale, please indicate NFS on the legend.

The collection point for your submissions is Catherine’s office. Beverly Alison has donated several frames so if you need one they are stored in the office of the DRE. Please contact Cynthia Littleton or Beverly Alison  for additional information. The deadline for submissions is May 28.

Beverly Alison

Tom Milton Peters

Thomas Milton Peters is from Lincoln Park, MI, and currently lives in Santa Monica. After a tour in Vietnam in 1969, Tom spent 30 years working in a steel mill in Detroit. Retiring early in 1997, Tom headed west to Phoenix for a year and then on to Los Angeles. Following a short career as a graphic designer and a lifetime of photography, Peters added a doctorate to his educational accomplishments and settled into teaching. Tom
now teaches Assistive Technologies in the Center for Students with Disabilities at Santa Monica College and is a Disabilities Commissioner for the city of Santa Monica. He is a new UUCCSM member. The images for the Art Wall were captured along Venice Beach, between 2005 and 2008.

Local artists paint along the walkway for donations from tourists and leave behind a wonderful mess. On early morning walks from his nearby studio apartment Tom photographed what he found interesting. All the images have since been acid washed from the walkway. The only change made from what was found on the ground was some saturation in Photoshop. Tom met some of the struggling artists along the walkway, some are homeless, and promised them if he was ever fortunate enough to actually sell some images he would be back to share
the proceeds. Reception on May 5 at noon.


June Art Wall Dedicated to Our Children

\Once each year we exhibit the art produced by our children 18 and under. Each piece must be framed,
preferably with a wire on the back. There are no restrictions as to size or medium. Submit only one piece per child accompanied by a small label containing title, medium, and price. If the art is not for sale, please indicate NFS on the legend.

The collection point for your submissions is Catherine’s office. Beverly Alison has donated several frames so if you need one they are stored in the office of the DRE. Please contact Cynthia Littleton or Beverly Alison  for additional information. The deadline for submissions is May 28.

Beverly Alison

Tomorrow's Church Today

It will take more than a leap of faith to move our church into the future. It will take a realistic look at where we are right now and thoughtful planning about where we really want to go.

Music Julie Millett, vocalist

Torda 451 – A Heretical Account

This year is historical on several religious accounts. We are celebrating the birth of Protestantism, which is the official story of our stepping into religious history. But only slightly behind Martin Luther’s momentous declaration at Wittenburg was an even more defining point for our character and values – and a revealing moment for religion and culture. We will also recognize our inaugural group of Worship Associates during each of the services.

Tour Ballona Wetlands


One of the few remaining coastal wetlands in Southern California


There are unique plant habitats and interesting birds to view.  Binoculars will be available to borrow.  The tour will involve about a mile of flat walking.


We will meet at 10:30am.  Park in the dirt parking lot behind Gordon's Market in Playa Del Rey (303 Culver Blvd. 90293 for finding on GPS)  Take Culver Blvd. almost to the ocean and turn into the dirt parking lot behind Gordon's Market.  In the northeast corner of the parking lot will be a gate entrance to the wetland.  


Los Angeles Audubon requires that all participants be vaccinated and remain masked throughout their visit even though we will be outdoors.


Please RSVP to Adult RE so that we can get a head count and would be able to contact you in the unlikely event that the tour would be canceled.

Toward Becoming Angels of Our Better Nature (Ending War)
Sometimes something around us (or within us) enters into some conflict.  It's in these moments that our soul can feel torn - so attached to all it's been... yet, unable to deny that it is being called toward something new.  There is an understandable loyalty to what has been - including that which we enlisted to protect us; and a humbling new possibility that helps us to know that we don't yet know everything we need to know.  Some lessons have much to teach us about the price we pay for entertaining our woundedness instead of the angels of our better nature.
Once something great becomes divided and enters a period of struggle, yearning to reclaim some of what it lost in the struggle, it is important to look to both the distant and recent past. Some lessons have much to teach us about the price we pay for entertaining our discontentment instead of the angels of our better nature.
Towards a Postmodern UUism

The bold, pluralistic vision of contemporary UUism is badly in need of a new philosophical "foundation" to help it realize its potential. Here is a modest proposal for one. Max is a member of our congregation and this fall will be in the Philosophy of Religion and Theology doctoral program of Claremont Graduate University. Music: Andy Stewart, guitar/vocals

Town Hall Meeting