
Truth Tellers and Pot Stirrers
When you think you have to choose between telling the truth and being kind, what do you do? Is lying ever acceptable behavior or preferred to telling the truth? This Sunday we will explore many of the ambiguities around telling the truth.
Turning Point Sunday

Each month, on the first Sunday, we collect frozen casseroles and bags of fresh fruit and deliver them to Turning Point, a project of OPCC. Turning Point Transitional Housing is a 55-bed shelter for homeless men and women that offers housing and supportive services for up to 9 months. The project seeks to break the cycle of homelessness and to integrate homeless individuals back into the community by providing comprehensive, individualized services designed to address their physical and emotional needs. In addition to an individual sleeping area, three meals a day and clothing, Turning Point provides intensive case management, counseling and support groups, specialized programs such as job counseling, money management, health education, computer classes and independent living skills

Your food donation is greatly appreciated. Mark your food item for "Turning Point" and drop it off to the kitchen's freezer. Fruit can be tagged and left on the counter next to the freezer. For more information, contact

Two Truths About Travel

We travel to see something different, but a really good trip also reacquaints us with ourselves.

Two Ultimates

Western and Eastern religions describe two very different spiritual ultimates a personal God, and an impersonal beingness. Is one right and the other wrong? Does the contradiction suggest that religious thought is merely fantasy? Or could ultimate reality really have two different, equally real modes? Our guest speaker, Ricky Hoyt, is minister of the Unitarian Universalist Church of the Verdugo Hills.

Ukulele Class - Zoom/Online

Come and play ukulele with us or join with another strumming instrument. We recommend a familiarity with the ukulele for this online format but all levels are welcome (beginner to advanced). Bring a ukulele to our Zoom meeting and chords and lyrics will be provided in advance with a few folks prepared to lead some songs. We will share tips and support each other, pulling from a wide range of music. This event is for ages 15 and up, or 10 and up if accompanied by a guardian.                                                                                                                                                                          We will need your email contact information by September 24, so that we can send you the music ahead of time. We will gather from 9:30 – 10:30 am. Contact: Kim Kalmanson.

Ukulele Class - Zoom/Online

Come and play ukulele with us or join with another strumming instrument. We recommend a familiarity with the ukulele for this online format but all levels are welcome (beginner to advanced). Bring a ukulele to our Zoom meeting and chords and lyrics will be provided in advance with a few folks prepared to lead some songs. We will share tips and support each other, pulling from a wide range of music. This event is for ages 15 and up, or 10 and up if accompanied by a guardian.                                                                                                                                                                          We will need your email contact information by October 22, so that we can send you the music ahead of time. We will gather from 9:30 – 10:30 am. Contact: Kim Kalmanson.

Ukulele Class - Zoom/Online

Come and play ukulele with us or join with another strumming instrument. We recommend a familiarity with the ukulele for this online format but all levels are welcome (beginner to advanced). Bring a ukulele to our Zoom meeting and chords and lyrics will be provided in advance with a few folks prepared to lead some songs. We will share tips and support each other, pulling from a wide range of music. We will need your email contact information by December 10, so that we can send you the music ahead of time. This event is for ages 15 and up, or 10 and up if accompanied by a guardian.  We will gather from 9:30 - 10:45 am. 

Contact: Kim Kalmanson.


Ukulele Strum - Zoom/Online

Ukulele Strum

Come and play ukulele with us or join with another strumming instrument. We recommended a familiarity with the ukulele for this online format but all levels welcome (beginner to advanced). We will meet on Saturday, July 11th from 9:30am-11:00am.  Bring a ukulele to our Zoom meeting and chords and lyrics will be provided in advance with a few folks prepared to lead some songs.  We will share tips and support each other, pulling from a wide range of music. This event is for ages 15 and up, or 10 and up if accompanied by a guardian. We will need your email contact information so that we can send you the music. 

 Please RSVP to before July 9th.

Ukulele Strum - Zoom/Online

Come and play ukulele with us or join with another strumming instrument. We recommended a familiarity with the ukulele for this online format but all levels are welcome (beginner to advanced). Bring a ukulele to our Zoom meeting and chords and lyrics will be provided in advance with a few folks prepared to lead some songs. We will share tips and support each other, pulling from a wide range of music. This event is for ages 15 and up, or 10 and up if accompanied by a guardian.       

We will need your email contact information by August 20th, so that we can send you the music ahead of time. We will gather from 9:30 – 11:00 am. Contact: Kim Kalmanson.

Ukulele Strum and Sing A-Long - Zoom/Online

Come and play ukulele with us or join with another strumming instrument. We recommend a familiarity with the ukulele for this online format but all levels are welcome (beginner to advanced). Bring a ukulele to our Zoom meeting and chords and lyrics will be provided in advance with a few folks prepared to lead some songs. We will share tips and support each other, pulling from a wide range of music. We will need your email contact information by February10, so that we can send you the music ahead of time. This event is for ages 15 and up, or 10 and up if accompanied by a guardian.  We will gather from 9:30 - 10:45 am. 

Contact: Kim Kalmanson.

Ukulele Strum and Sing A-Long - Zoom/Online

Ukulele Strum and Sing Along:  Saturday April 24

Come and play ukulele with us or join with another strumming instrument. We recommend a familiarity with the ukulele for this online format but all levels are welcome (beginner to advanced). Bring a ukulele to our Zoom meeting and chords and lyrics will be provided in advance with a few folks prepared to lead some songs. We will share tips and support each other, pulling from a wide range of music. We will need your email contact information by April 23rd, so that we can send you the music ahead of time. This event is for ages 15 and up, or 10 and up if accompanied by a guardian. We will gather from 9:30 - 10:45 am.                                                                                       

Contact Kim Kalmanson.

Ukulele Strum and Sing-A-Long