
November, 2007

Temple Isaiah sponsored a two-day Interfaith Call to Justice Conference in November 2007. UUCCSM was one of the many sponsors. For more detailed information on what took place at the conference please see the Interfaith Call to Justice website at

November, 2008

Holiday Bazaar

November, 2008

Holiday Bazaar
Sunday, November 23,10:00 a.m.

The Faith in Action Multi-CulturalHoliday Bazaar will be held onSunday, November 23, from10 a.m. to 1 p.m. in Forbes Hall.This holiday season, relieve the strain on your pocketbookand help others at the same time. You’ll findgreat deals that support great causes like social andeconomic justice, programs on hunger, homelessness,civil liberties, peace, the environment, fair elections,and health care. Most toys and gifts are under $15, andmany are much less. Please help us spread the word:notify all your friends, neighbors, and colleagues by emailor telephone.Donations of holiday gifts, baked goods, and treatsare welcomed. Please bring them to Forbes Hall after 9a.m. on Sunday, November 23. Helpers get first pick, soplease volunteer to help.

November, 2011

From Our Director of Music: Come Sing with the Choir forAdvent Season

As I finish up my secondmonth working with the choirhere at UUCCSM, I feel so luckyto have the opportunity to make such fabulous musicwith such wonderful people. The choir keeps gettingbetter and better and is such a treat to work with.If you've ever thought you'd like to be involved inthe church this way, I hope you'll consider joining usfor the Advent season. We have wonderful musicplanned, culminating in two services on ChristmasEve. If you think you might be interested, please contactRima Snyder or me at have also been enjoying working with some of thechildren in our church community during some of the9 a.m. services. We have a delightful small crop ofyoung singers, who sang at the Day of the Dead serviceon October 30.

Yours in music,
Seth Houston


Music Notes

The Saturday Spotlight returnsthis month on November 12 at 7p.m. in the Sanctuary. Theevening will feature entertainmentby church members includingmusical performances, poetryand stories. Anything can happen - drop by andenjoy the show! The magic continues at 8:15 p.m.with An Enchanted Evening, sponsored by theStewardship Committee. For more informationplease contact Tom Ahern.

Louis Durra returns to the stage on Sunday,November 6 at 7 p.m., accompanied by Jerry Kalafon drums and Ryan McGillicuddy on bass. The trioplays jazz standards, original compositions, andinventive interpretations of a myriad of musicalgenres. Suggested donation $10; a reception followsin Forbes Hall.

- Rima Snyder

November, 2011

RE Faith in Action
Common Ground Donation Drive: Can You Help?

On Sunday, November 27, the RE program will becollecting and sorting donated items to give to homelessteens served by Common Ground Westside.

Please take a look at the list of items below andbring some things in for our donation drive. Undergarments,socks and personal care items should benew. Other items can be gently used or new.

Items can be dropped off at the "Common GroundDonations" table at church on November 13, 20, or 27.

The following items are needed:

For “Hygiene Kits”
Travel- or hotel-sized toiletries (shampoo, conditioner,soap, lotion, toothpaste, deodorant, etc.), toothbrushes,shaving razors, feminine hygiene products,etc. (available at most drug stores or brought homefrom hotel stays).

Clothing Items
Socks, underwear, bras, hoodies/sweat shirts (largersizes — will be worn over other layers), warm hats orbeanies, gloves, scarves, etc.

Other Items
Blankets, sleeping bags, backpacks

Questions? or(310) 829-5436 x105. Thank youfor helping us support the workof Common Ground!


Interweave News

Interweave, our church's group for bisexual,gay, lesbian, transgender, and queerindividuals and their allies, is in the process of redefiningits goals and seeking new members and leaders. Ifyou would like to be part of that conversation, please contact me to join the Interweavelistserv.

- Judy Federick


Green Living Committee News

We completed a successful Beach Clean Up onSunday, October 3 at High Noon at the 1550 LifeguardTower on Santa Monica Beach. It was abeautiful day, bright and sparkling, with lots of visitorsto the beach. It was difficult, but we (20 of usin all) picked up lots of trash. We had seven kidswith us too! Jessica Clay, Beth Brownlie and theGreen Living Committee thank all of those whogave some of their time on Sunday to clean up ourBeaches. Yeah for EarthJustice!

For more news see YouAre Invited ourupcoming tree plantingevent.

- Beth Brownlie



CareNet offers meals, rides and cards to churchmembers and friends. If you have such a need or knowof someone who does, please call the church office,email or contact Karl Lisovsky.

Now 2nd, 4th (& 5th) Mondays: Open Meditation

Please note: Open Meditation has now moved to 2nd, 4th and 5th Mondays,

in Forbes Classroom 3, 7:30pm-9pm. 



Now I Walk in Beauty: Easter Morning with UU Santa Monica

Our joyful services will include a UU Flower Communion and music from Adult Choir at both 9am and 11am.

Now is the Time (MLK Sunday)
Now What Do I Say?
One service at 10:00 a.m.  (note:  fall return to two services has been postponed; new date for resumption of fall schedule is TBD) 
The power of personal narrative is that it provides opportunities to bond and create community. Working in community with a diverse group of people means that all present will be in a richer, more fertile environment. How do we do that? Storytelling is a powerful tool for creating empathy, facilitating healing, and inspiring action.  Sometimes before we tell our stories we have to remove foot from mouth, back track, rewind, apologize, or simply take our chins off the floor.  This morning we will start a conversation about how to do that with some grace.
 The Rev. Kikanza Nuri Robins is a trans-traditional spiritual leader who works with groups from many faith traditions. She is an author, a consultant to mission driven organizations, and a member of our beloved community.
 Dozens of our members are at de Benneville Pines weekend – and holding a service this morning at our mountain camp.
Now What Do I Say?
Sometimes we just don’t know what to say.  We see something; we know it is wrong, but we say nothing.  The next morning we think of several things we might have said, but the moment is gone.  The perpetrators think we agree with them.  The targets feel alone and abandoned.  And we feel like failures as witnesses, allies, or advocates.  And then there are the times when “sorry” isn’t enough.  But we just don’t know what to say.  Join the chorus of a very human community of goodhearted people who want to do the right thing, but sometimes just don’t know what the right thing is to say.
Now What Do I Say? - UUSM Sunday Service - October 17, 2021

Rev. Kikanza Nuri-Robins

Nurit Gordon

Nurit Gordon, Church Administrator, was born and raised in Israel and worked in non-profit institutions prior to taking on the Church Administrator position at UUSM. She manages the administrative and day-to-day life of the church, including the facility, finances, personnel matters and all other issues that arise and need care and solutions on a daily basis.  Contact: or 310-829-5436 ext 101