November, 2008
Holiday Bazaar
Sunday, November 23,10:00 a.m.
The Faith in Action Multi-CulturalHoliday Bazaar will be held onSunday, November 23, from10 a.m. to 1 p.m. in Forbes Hall.This holiday season, relieve the strain on your pocketbookand help others at the same time. You’ll findgreat deals that support great causes like social andeconomic justice, programs on hunger, homelessness,civil liberties, peace, the environment, fair elections,and health care. Most toys and gifts are under $15, andmany are much less. Please help us spread the word:notify all your friends, neighbors, and colleagues by emailor telephone.Donations of holiday gifts, baked goods, and treatsare welcomed. Please bring them to Forbes Hall after 9a.m. on Sunday, November 23. Helpers get first pick, soplease volunteer to help.