November, 2011
RE Faith in Action
Common Ground Donation Drive: Can You Help?
On Sunday, November 27, the RE program will becollecting and sorting donated items to give to homelessteens served by Common Ground Westside.
Please take a look at the list of items below andbring some things in for our donation drive. Undergarments,socks and personal care items should benew. Other items can be gently used or new.
Items can be dropped off at the "Common GroundDonations" table at church on November 13, 20, or 27.
The following items are needed:
For “Hygiene Kits”
Travel- or hotel-sized toiletries (shampoo, conditioner,soap, lotion, toothpaste, deodorant, etc.), toothbrushes,shaving razors, feminine hygiene products,etc. (available at most drug stores or brought homefrom hotel stays).
Clothing Items
Socks, underwear, bras, hoodies/sweat shirts (largersizes — will be worn over other layers), warm hats orbeanies, gloves, scarves, etc.
Other Items
Blankets, sleeping bags, backpacks
Questions? or(310) 829-5436 x105. Thank youfor helping us support the workof Common Ground!
Interweave News
Interweave, our church's group for bisexual,gay, lesbian, transgender, and queerindividuals and their allies, is in the process of redefiningits goals and seeking new members and leaders. Ifyou would like to be part of that conversation, please contact me to join the Interweavelistserv.
- Judy Federick
Green Living Committee News
We completed a successful Beach Clean Up onSunday, October 3 at High Noon at the 1550 LifeguardTower on Santa Monica Beach. It was abeautiful day, bright and sparkling, with lots of visitorsto the beach. It was difficult, but we (20 of usin all) picked up lots of trash. We had seven kidswith us too! Jessica Clay, Beth Brownlie and theGreen Living Committee thank all of those whogave some of their time on Sunday to clean up ourBeaches. Yeah for EarthJustice!
For more news see YouAre Invited ourupcoming tree plantingevent.
- Beth Brownlie
CareNet offers meals, rides and cards to churchmembers and friends. If you have such a need or knowof someone who does, please call the church office,email or contact Karl Lisovsky.