
June, 2006

Charles HaskellFaith in Action Commission Welcomes a New Leader

Faith in Action was created in 2000 as a new way of engaging our entire congregation in witness and advocacy issues such as peace, civil liberties, social justice and homelessness. We developed a set of procedures and policies that were endorsed by the congregation and the board.

June, 2007

Cathie GentileAs the church year draws to a close I wouldlike to thank the members of the Faith InAction Commission (FIAC) for all theirwork to make this a better, more socially-awareand environmentally-friendly congregation. Themembers of FIAC are: Lyn Armondo, Liza Cranis,Eleanor Eagan, Judy Federick,Jesse Figueroa,Phyllis Gabriel, JanetGoodwin, Charles andChristine Haskell, DeniseHelton, Patrick McGuire,Leslie Reuter, HeatherSmith, Diana and MargueriteSpears, Sandra Trutt, Alyssa Wood,Marge Zifferblatt, and of course, the Rev.Judith Meyer. Geralyn Lambson deserves amention and is "adopted" into FIA by hermonthly clothing collections. Everyone hascontributed in some way to the original missionof the FIAC: "

June, 2007


Those who attended this year's Dining forDollars choir event, "I Get A Kick Out OfUU," had a wonderful evening of fun andentertainment. The Music Committee would like tothank our fabulous Steve Wight and Louis Durra foronce again putting their amazing talent to work forus. We would also like to thank the choir for all theirdevotion and time spent to learn and sing all thosenotes, to Rima Snyder, our ever-patient librarian, tothe instrumentalists who donated their time, toDiana Spears, Sue Moore, Nedra Bickel, and MarvPulliam for hosting the reception, to Peter van denBeemt for pouring the champagne, to Joe Hardinfor building a stage for the orchestra, to NorbGallery for honchoing the sound system, for theprinters and tapers of music at Sue Bickford's house,and to all those who helped set up and tear downthe stuff, returning the Sanctuary to its serenity.The whole event was characterized by everyone'sspirited desire to put on a very fine show.

- Bronwen Jones,Co-Chair, Music Committee

June, 2007

Cathie GentileAs the church year draws to a close I would like to thank the members of the Faith In Action Commission (FIAC) for all their work to make this a better, more socially-aware and environmentally-friendly congregation.

June, 2008

Please Contribute Toiletries to Common Ground in June

Interweave, our affiliate group for bisexuals, gays, lesbians, and transgenders, and their friends and allies, will be collecting travel-size toiletries for homeless youth who seek services at Common Ground, the Westside HIV Community Center.

Please bring items to the Daybreak table in Forbes Hall after services in June.

June, 2008

Please Contribute Toiletries to Common Ground in June

Interweave, our affiliate group for bisexuals, gays,lesbians, and transgenders, and their friends andallies, will be collecting travel-size toiletries for homelessyouth who seek services at Common Ground, theWestside HIV Community Center.

Please bring items to the Daybreak table in ForbesHall after services in June.

Common Ground, located at 2012 Lincoln Blvd. inSanta Monica, provides homeless youth basicresources (clothing, hygiene products, an address toreceive mail); medical, mental, and dental health services;HIV prevention; legal advocacy; and job/educationalsupport.

For more information about Common Ground andtheir needs, visit, call(310) 314-5480, or e-mail Also contact our liaison with CommonGround, Judy Federick if you would like to help out or havequestions.

June, 2008

Louis Durra Trio to Play June 8

The Louis Dura Trio performs Sunday, June 8, at 7 the sanctuary. Don't miss Louis' final jazz concert ofthe season. $10 at the door.


President Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation in 1863, but it took two and a half years for the news to travel to Texas. Juneteenth is a celebration of the day the news arrived. What does this important part of our history tell us? And how does it connect to our lives as Unitarian Universalists?

Juneteenth Day - Church Office Closed
Just Feel (Online Service)
During this moment in our lives and in our world, so many things have been simplified — our schedules, our routines, our plans. Yet, the realities of these changes and movements are anything but simple. We are overloaded with content, programs, questions, anxieties. This Sunday, we will “just feel” together. We will take a moment to open ourselves up to the many emotions springing up for us in this moment. Let us reconnect with our bodies and our spirits, individually and as a church community.
Liz Murphy is a recent graduate of the Claremont School of Theology and is a candidate for ministry with the Unitarian Universalist Association. She’s currently the intern minister at Throop Unitarian Universalist Church. She previously worked as a chaplain intern at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center and as the Interfaith Programs Assistant at the University of Southern California’s Office of Religious Life. Originally from Pittsburgh, she moved to Los Angeles in 2017 with her wife, Hilary. You can contact Liz at
Just Imagine (Online Service)
Our theme for community reflection this month is “Imagination.” What role does imagination play in creating a world that works for us?
Just Imagine...

Commitment Sunday

Just imagine what we can do as a congregation in the coming years. We'll take a look at that vision and how each and every one of us can help bring it to life.