June, 2007
Those who attended this year's Dining forDollars choir event, "I Get A Kick Out OfUU," had a wonderful evening of fun andentertainment. The Music Committee would like tothank our fabulous Steve Wight and Louis Durra foronce again putting their amazing talent to work forus. We would also like to thank the choir for all theirdevotion and time spent to learn and sing all thosenotes, to Rima Snyder, our ever-patient librarian, tothe instrumentalists who donated their time, toDiana Spears, Sue Moore, Nedra Bickel, and MarvPulliam for hosting the reception, to Peter van denBeemt for pouring the champagne, to Joe Hardinfor building a stage for the orchestra, to NorbGallery for honchoing the sound system, for theprinters and tapers of music at Sue Bickford's house,and to all those who helped set up and tear downthe stuff, returning the Sanctuary to its serenity.The whole event was characterized by everyone'sspirited desire to put on a very fine show.
- Bronwen Jones,Co-Chair, Music Committee