April, 2019

Phillip Timper's Themes of Vibrant Colors

Art Wall Opening Reception: Sunday, April 7, 2019 - 12:00pm - 1:30pm
Phillip Timper decided to become an artist very early in life. A Midwestern boy, he started landscape painting at age 9, lived in the art room during high school, and painted his way through college. He moved into a design and illustration career as an adult. However, his love of art and painting persisted and he continued to paint and make art to this day.
he April Art Wall Opening Reception on Sunday, April 7, 2019 from 12:00 pm to 1:30 pm will showcase works depicting themes of exhilarating colors and familiar images to Timper, a prolific oil painter, and muralist from Prescott, Arizona.
Timper chooses oil paint, watercolor and pencil as his choice of media to reflect the world around him, focusing on capturing images to explore subjects of quiet moments filled charged emotional moments of everyday life.  Although the perspective in the matter changes from work to work, Timper presents an unforgettable array of colors that tie these themes together at this exhibit. 
"Think of painting as you might think of language. There are thousands of languages spoken today all with the same purpose, communication,” Timper said.
Timper’s current works depict his gritty devotion to capture his fellow humanoids in natural habitats that can be observed in the Blues n Brews Festival Series, The Abstraction Series, and the Desert Animal Gift Collection.
The opening reception will be from 12 noon to 1:30 pm in Forbes Hall, April 4, after the Sunday morning services. The exhibit will go through the end of April. For appointments, contact Cyndee Hayes at assistant@uusm.org or 310-829-5436 x102. Accessible parking is available behind the church.
About UUSM: The Unitarian Universalist Community Church of Santa Monica (UUSM) is is part of a religious movement committed to Seven Principles that include the worth of each person, the need for justice and compassion, and the right to choose one’s own beliefs.  Our congregation and faith community promotes these principles through regular worship, learning and personal growth, sharedconnection and care, social justice action and service, celebration of life’s transitions, and much more. The mission of UUSM is to build a congregational home that supports our vision, that provides opportunities for spiritual and personal growth in an interactive and intergenerational community, that is welcoming and inclusive and that assumes an active responsibility for our community and world. - Ratified by congregational vote, May 20, 2001.

FIA - Lunches for Bunches

Date / Time: 
Sunday, April 28, 2019 - 12:15pm - 12:45pm
Contact Name: 
Dorothy Steinicke

All in the Same Boat - Now What?

Sunday, April 28, 2019
Robin Stillwater
Worship Associate: 
Alison Kendall

Our beautiful blue boat home is in jeopardy. How do we approach this enormous threat in an effective, collaborative way.  How can we act locally and globally. Discuss Climate change as element of class and cultural oppression. UU Common Read "Justice on Earth."

Justice on Earth: People of Faith Working at the Intersections of Race, Class, and Environment, edited by Manish Mishra-Marzetti and Jennifer Nordstrom (Skinner House Books, 2018). Copies of the book are available in Forbes Hall on Sundays and online from uuabookstore.org. A discussion guide is at https://www.uua.org/books/read

Note: An audio recording is available for this service. Please click the audio player icon below to listen. If you do not see the audio speaker icon below, please click the small lock-shaped icon next to the page's URL in your address bar, and in the drop-down menu that pops up, make sure "Flash" is set to "Allow." Then re-load the page, and you should be able to see the audio player. Sorry for any inconvenience - we are working to fix this issue.


Easter Service: The Easter Exam

Sunday, April 21, 2019
Rev. Greg Ward
Worship Associate: 
Abby Arnold

One of the great things about Unitarian Universalists is the freedom we enjoy in choosing our own beliefs.  Having emerged in the religious world as people who were persecuted for not automatically aligning with the orthodoxy, we've assumed a certain pride in bucking the religious trends.  And, although a great many UUs may not use the religious descriptor, "Christian" to describe themselves, there is a certain glee ALL UUs find in Easter that comes from watching the minister attempt the impossible task of explaining Easter to a crowded room of people who don't agree.  But the conundrum of Easter is larger than one minister, or all UUs - even larger than Christianity. 

Note: An audio recording is available for this service. Please click the audio player icon below to listen. If you do not see the audio speaker icon below, please click the small lock-shaped icon next to the page's URL in your address bar, and in the drop-down menu that pops up, make sure "Flash" is set to "Allow." Then re-load the page, and you should be able to see the audio player. Sorry for any inconvenience - we are working to fix this issue.

Do Not Pass Me By (Passover Service)

Sunday, April 14, 2019
Rev. Kikanza Nuri-Robins
Worship Associate: 
Abby Arnold
The Jewish holy week of Passover is a commemoration of deliverance and liberation.  The Passover seder is a ceremony eaten with a special meal where the stories of that first liberation are remembered.  Passover holds meaning for each of us as we reflect on our personal liberation stories.  What kind of bondage impedes your wholeness?  Physical?  Psychological?  Social?  What do you need to free yourself?  What might you do to support the liberation of others?  Join us as we remember, reflect and renew."
Note: No audio recording is available for this service.


Sunday, April 7, 2019
Rev. Greg Ward
Worship Associate: 
Rima Snyder

Greek philosopher Heraclitus once talked about our quest for stabilty and permanence and the pain that's inevitable in a world that never stops unfolding and evolving. He said, 'The only thing constant in this world is change.' Buddhists have a similar take, citing 'impermanance' as a more accurate descriptor of what we often call 'reality.'  This is what led them to the third noble truth which describes suffering as brought about by attachment to the way things are.  Before we can get to this month's theme of wholness, we have to learn to accept change. “Belum,” by the way, is an Indonesian word which means “Not Quite Yet” — as in, “not quite finished.”

Note: No audio recording is available for this service.

FIA - Activist Training with Sunrise LA

Faith In Action is teaming up with Sunrise Movement for an all-day environmental justice training. Sunrise is a youth and young adult-led grassroots network that is quickly changing the national conversation about climate change by demanding good jobs, healthcare for all, and a livable future.
If you are interested in participating, please contact justice@uusm.org.
Date / Time: 
Saturday, April 13, 2019 - 9:00am - 6:00pm
Contact Name: 
James Witker

LRE - BB Squared Book Review and Discussion

Date / Time: 
Repeats every week every Sunday until Sun Apr 21 2019 except Sun Apr 07 2019.
Sunday, March 24, 2019 - 1:00pm - 2:30pm
Sunday, March 31, 2019 - 1:00pm - 2:30pm
Sunday, April 14, 2019 - 1:00pm - 2:30pm
Sunday, April 21, 2019 - 1:00pm - 2:30pm
Contact Name: 
Beth Brownlie

Young Adult Brunch and Tax Event

Are you new to doing your taxes? Do you want to know difference between standard and itemized deductions, or what "write it off" means? And what really is an audit anyway? Come to the young adult brunch in Forbes on March 24th after the Early Warning event for our long awaited bagels from Bagel Nosh, and hear Gar and Nina have a chat about tax basics just in time for the filing date on April 15!  We are asking everyone to chip in 5 dollars to help cover the cost of the bagels.  
Date / Time: 
Sunday, March 24, 2019 - 1:15pm - 2:00pm
Contact Name: 
Robin Stillwater

Adult Programs - UUA Common Read Group

Join us for the 2018-2019 UUA common read, Justice on Earth: People of Faith Working at the Intersections of Race, Class, and Environment, edited by Manish Mishra-Marzetti and Jennifer Nordstrom (Skinner House Books, 2018).
As we kick off Climate Justice Month (World Water Day to Earth Day), Alison Kendall and James Witker will facilitate a three-part discussion on the intersectional challenges of combating today’s environmental crisis and its many interconnected ills. Together, we will read and respond to this engaging anthology of essays from diverse authors within our greater UU movement. We will also consider recent developments like the proposed Green New Deal, Los Angeles’ decision to shutter natural gas power plants, and the latest international climate news.
We plan to meet for the first session on Sunday, March 31, 3 pm to 5 pm.
More about the book:
At a time when racial justice, environmental justice, and economic justice are seen as issues competing for time, attention, and resources, Justice on Earth explores the ways in which the three are intertwined. Those on the margins are invariably those most affected by climate disaster and environmental toxins. The book asks us to recognize that our faith calls us to long-haul work for justice for our human kin, for the Earth and for all life. It invites us to look at our current challenges through a variety of different perspectives, offers tools to equip us for sustained engagement, and proposes multiple pathways for follow-up action.
Justice on Earth is available at inSpirit: UU Book and Gift Shop and copies will be avaialable for purchase at the RE table in Forbes Hall.
Any questions? Contact justice@uusm.org.
Date / Time: 
Repeats every week every Sunday until Sun Apr 14 2019 .
Sunday, March 31, 2019 - 3:00pm - 5:00pm
Sunday, April 7, 2019 - 3:00pm - 5:00pm
Sunday, April 14, 2019 - 3:00pm - 5:00pm
Contact Name: 
James Witker