Adult RE - Advanced Directives

Your Advance Directive is a legal document that can speak for you when you cannot speak for yourself. It empowers an agent that you select to make medical decisions for you and act as your advocate in difficult times. In this workshop we’ll explore materials that can help you make the choices to mark on your directive. Bring your questions, maybe a previous directive or “living will” document, and join us for homemade muffins Saturday morning, from 9:30 am to noon in the Warren Matthews Conference Room. This is the first of a two part workshop. Contact: Joyce Holmen. One time materials cost: $5.00.    


Contact: Joyce Holmen, or email


Date / Time: 
Saturday, October 5, 2019 - 9:30am - 12:00pm
Contact Name: 
Joyce Holmen

Green Committee Meeting

Date / Time: 
Sunday, September 8, 2019 - 11:30am - 1:00pm
Contact Name: 
Alison Kendall

Green Committee Meeting

Date / Time: 
Sunday, August 4, 2019 - 11:30am - 1:00pm
Contact Name: 
Alison Kendall

Green Committee Meeting

Date / Time: 
Sunday, June 2, 2019 - 11:30am - 1:00pm

AAHS Freethinker Forum

Freethinker Forum is a monthly interactive meeting sponsored by AAHS: Agnostics, Atheists, Humanists & Secularists of UU Santa Monica. All are welcome to join in a lively discussion where a diversity of viewpoints are encouraged and respected. 
Our Private Facebook Group:
Our Meetup Group:
AAHS is a local group of the UU Humanist Association (
More info:
AAHS (Atheists, Agnostics, Humanists & Secularists/Skeptics) is a group that meets monthly (4th Sundays) for discussion and fellowship at the Unitarian Universalist Community Church of Santa Monica. All are welcome!
The term Humanism (sometimes known as secular humanism, modern humanism or scientific humanism) was first used as a moniker for a non-theistic, compassionate philosophy or worldview by Rev. John Dietrich of the First Unitarian Society of Minneapolis in 1916, over 100 years ago! The early Unitarian Humanists wrote the original "Humanism and its Aspirations" manifesto and co-founded the American Humanist Association, helping to begin an international movement. 
"The time has come for widespread recognition of the radical changes in religious beliefs throughout the modern world. The time is past for mere revision of traditional attitudes. Science and economic change have disrupted the old beliefs. Religions the world over are under the necessity of coming to terms with new conditions created by a vastly increased knowledge and experience. In every field of human activity, the vital movement is now in the direction of a candid and explicit humanism."
- Humanist Manifesto 1, 1933
Facebook Link: 
Date / Time: 
Sunday, June 30, 2019 - 12:00pm - 1:00pm
Contact Name: 
James Witker

AAHS Freethinker Forum

Freethinker Forum is a monthly interactive meeting sponsored by AAHS: Agnostics, Atheists, Humanists & Secularists of UU Santa Monica. All are welcome to join in a lively discussion where a diversity of viewpoints are encouraged and respected. 

Today's Topio - Freethinker Forum: Theocracy vs. Reproductive Rights
Join us for a discussion of the politics, theology and ethics of abortion bans and their opposition. In light of the latest pointed assaults on reproductive freedom in several states, we will turn a critical eye toward the ideology behind the legislation. We will also consider a range of pro-choice responses from Humanist and progressive religious voices. Contact:

Our Private Facebook Group:
Our Meetup Group:
AAHS is a local group of the UU Humanist Association (
More info:
AAHS (Atheists, Agnostics, Humanists & Secularists/Skeptics) is a group that meets monthly (4th Sundays) for discussion and fellowship at the Unitarian Universalist Community Church of Santa Monica. All are welcome!
The term Humanism (sometimes known as secular humanism, modern humanism or scientific humanism) was first used as a moniker for a non-theistic, compassionate philosophy or worldview by Rev. John Dietrich of the First Unitarian Society of Minneapolis in 1916, over 100 years ago! The early Unitarian Humanists wrote the original "Humanism and its Aspirations" manifesto and co-founded the American Humanist Association, helping to begin an international movement. 
"The time has come for widespread recognition of the radical changes in religious beliefs throughout the modern world. The time is past for mere revision of traditional attitudes. Science and economic change have disrupted the old beliefs. Religions the world over are under the necessity of coming to terms with new conditions created by a vastly increased knowledge and experience. In every field of human activity, the vital movement is now in the direction of a candid and explicit humanism."
- Humanist Manifesto 1, 1933
Facebook Link: 
Date / Time: 
Sunday, May 26, 2019 - 12:00pm - 2:00pm
Contact Name: 
James Witker

May, 2019

Children's Religious Exploration Art

On Sunday, May 5, for this month’s Art Wall opening reception, Kathleen Hogue, Director of Religious Exploration, members, and friends will gather at Forbes Hall after both services to celebrate yet another way for children to experience and learn from the community about the value of art, for one of Hogue’s final projects before her departure.
The art wall for the month of May features works created individually and collaboratively by UU Santa Monica children, youth, teachers, parents, and staff. The collaborations and sculptures by young artists, in pleasant spring tones, are a reminder of the fragile environment they will inherit. The collection reminds the viewer of our connections to one another, to our home on earth, and to what kids begin to understand as life.
Teri Lucas, Assistant to the DRE, said the kids’ work is one of the best collections in the years since the art wall started featuring their work.
“It’s not often our hard-working art director takes breaks from her rigorous curation all year-round.”
The art pieces are one of a kind, generational contribution to the church and represent our devotion to our youth in a knit-tight community. Proceeds will benefit the RE Assistant fund that supports the RE program.

Second Sunday Cinema: Journey of the Universe - Encore Presentation

Journey of the Universe: An Earth Sunday Screening

Join us on Sunday, May 12 at 7:30pm for an encore viewing of "Journey of the Universe", a unique odyssey of cosmic, biological, and cultural evolution that offers insight and inspiration for our present ecological challenges. In a single 60-minute narrative, writer and host Brian Swimme guides us through a scientific and spiritual Great Story, from the birth of the universe to the emergence of complex structures, from the dawn of life as we know it to the conscious present moment. The whole experience is framed by a single day on the Greek island of Samos, a crossroads of history and discovery.
Different from purely scientific approaches, Journey is the first film to integrate arts and humanities into the cosmic big picture. Drawing on the work of the late Fr. Thomas Berry, a cosmologist, historian, and eco-theologian, Journey won an Emmy Award for Best Documentary in 2012 and has birthed an online video series and podcast, as well as a sequence of online courses through the Yale Forum on Religion and Ecology.
Learn more and see the trailer at the official website:
(This event is sponsored by AAHS.)
More information from the filmmakers:
     Journey of the Universe narrates the 14 billion−year story of the universe’s development, from the great flaring forth at the universe’s inception to the emergence of simple molecules and atoms to the evolution of galaxies, stars, solar systems, and planetary life of greater complexity and consciousness. This is a story that inspires wonder as we begin to understand such complexity through science and appreciate such beauty through poetry, art, history, philosophy, and religion. It also awakens us to the dynamic processes of evolution that are chaotic and destructive, as well as creative and life-generating.
     Journey of the Universe is a cosmology, although not just in the scientific sense of the study of the early universe. Rather, it is a cosmology in the sense of being an integrated story that explains where both humans and life forms have come from. All cultures have had such stories. We now have the capacity to tell a comprehensive story drawing on astronomy and physics to explain the emergence of galaxies and stars, geology and chemistry to understand the formation of Earth, biology and botany to envision life’s evolution, and anthropology and the humanities to trace the rise of humans. Journey draws on all these disciplines to narrate a story of universe, Earth, and human evolution that is widely accessible.
     Journey weaves science and humanities in a new way that allows for a comprehensive sense of mystery and awe to arise. Such an approach expands the human perspective beyond an anthropocentric worldview to one that values life’s complexity and sees the role of humans as critical to the further flourishing of the Earth community.
Date / Time: 
Sunday, May 12, 2019 - 7:30pm - 9:00pm
Contact Name: 
James Witker

Faith In Action - Peace & Social Justice

People of all faiths and none are welcome to join us in working to heal our world. PSJ puts our UU principles of justice, human rights and sustainability into action in our local community and beyond. We organize activities and support campaigns in the areas of labor and economic issues; racism, police brutality, and mass incarceration; immigration and immigrant detention; and resisting war. We work with community partners such as CLUE (Clergy & Laity United for Economic Justice), OFA (Organizing for Action), the ACLU, and the Sunrise Movement. We also collaborate with the UUSM Green Committee on issues relating to environmental justice and climate change. Contact: visit us at the FIA table in Forbes Hall, or email

Date / Time: 
Repeats every month on the third Sunday until Sun Sep 15 2019 .
Sunday, July 21, 2019 - 11:45am - 1:00pm
Sunday, August 18, 2019 - 11:45am - 1:00pm
Sunday, September 15, 2019 - 11:45am - 1:00pm
Contact Name: 
Sarah Mae Harper

FIA - Peace & Social Justice

Our church’s program for integrating peace and social justice concerns into the life of the congregation. The Peace & Social Justice Committee (PSJ) focuses many activities in the areas of labor and economic issues; racism, police brutality, and mass incarceration; immigration and immigrant detention; and peace and alternatives to war. It also collaborates with the Green Committee on activities focusing on climate change.

The Peace & Social Justice Committee meets on the 3rd Sunday of every month after second service. New members are welcome and needed. For more information please email Dierdra Deitel. If you do not have email, please stop by the Faith in Action table in Forbes Hall. 

Date / Time: 
Sunday, June 16, 2019 - 11:45am - 1:00pm
Contact Name: 
Sarah Mae Harper