Honoring Earth: Solidarity and Resilience (Online Service)
Our Seventh Unitarian Universalist Principle affirms: “Respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part.” This Earth Day we are especially mindful of our interdependence in the midst of a global pandemic. Join us this Sunday as we meditate on this liberal religious principle and our responsibility to our beautiful planet home.
Easter Celebration (Online Service)
The radical Jesus of the liberal spirit preached a message of spiritual freedom, non-violence, economic justice, healthcare, and women’s rights as he challenged the dominant powers of his time. Beneath the revolutionary social activism that led to his death was a path of spiritual renewal beyond the simplistic "death and resurrection" stories. Join us this Sunday as we explore that spiritual path and reimagine an Easter worthy of the great spiritual teacher.
Spiritual Liberation (Online Service)
The Israelites are freed from oppression in ancient Egypt, Jesus seemingly defies death, and Muslims fast from the comforts of the world--these are among the many traditions of spiritual freedom we will explore this month. Our theme for community reflection this month is liberation. Join us this Sunday as we explore what spiritual liberation means to our liberal faith.
Open Meditation - Zoom/Online
Open Meditation Wellsprings: Wednesdays and Fridays - Online
These are drop-in groups. You are welcome to join us when it feels right to you. If you come in late or need to leave early, just do so quietly. These are exceptional times, and we trust each person to use the group in the way that fits their need.
We listen to brief readings, sit together quietly for twenty minutes, journal and share with each other what's on our hearts. This time of quiet meditation and sharing can help sustain and ground us during these difficult days - supporting us to pause and rest in our embodied experience, as it is. We simply sit together in our shared humanity. We call off the struggle to become other than we are.
NEW: We meet every Wednesday and Friday afternoon from 12:00 to 1:00 pm.
Taking this time for quiet meditation and sharing in the intimacy of having sat in silence together can help sustain and ground us during these difficult days.
Please email Meditation@UUSM.org for the zoom link and directions for using zoom.
How to Schedule Remote Meetings
- Title of meeting
- Date/day, meeting start time and end time
- Host‘s email address(es)
- Whether the meeting will be "Invitation Only" or "Public"
You will receive your meeting confirmation and ID via email. The meeting Host/Chair is responsible for sharing Zoom Room and ID information with attendees.
Open Meditation - Zoom/Online
Open Meditation Wellsprings: Mondays Online
These are drop-in groups. You are welcome to join us when it feels right to you. If you come in late or need to leave early, just do so quietly. These are exceptional times, and we trust each person to use the group in the way that fits their need.
We listen to brief readings, sit together quietly for twenty minutes, journal and share with each other what's on our hearts. This time of quiet meditation and sharing can help sustain and ground us during these difficult days - supporting us to pause and rest in our embodied experience, as it is. We simply sit together in our shared humanity. We call off the struggle to become other than we are.
NEW: We meet every 2nd and 4th Monday evenings, from 7:30 to 9:00 pm..
Email AdultRE@UUSM.org and we’ll send you the zoom link and directions for using zoom. Contacts: Bev Shoenberger or Carol Ring.
R/E - Collage Group with Stan Bemis - postponed till 3/21/20
Children & Youth RE Committee Meeting
“The Children and Youth Religious Exploration Committee will meet today for its monthly meeting in the Pre-School Room in the Cottage from 11:30-1:30. Anyone who is interested is welcome to attend.”
Children & Youth RE Committee Meeting - cancelled
“The Children and Youth Religious Exploration Committee will meet today for its monthly meeting in the Pre-School Room in the Cottage from 11:30-1:30. Anyone who is interested is welcome to attend.”
Children & Youth RE Committee Meeting
“The Children and Youth Religious Exploration Committee will meet today for its monthly meeting in the Pre-School Room in the Cottage from 11:30-1:30. Anyone who is interested is welcome to attend.”