Right Relations
Green Committee Meeting
Michael Dowd's 2017 Multimedia Presentation: "Faithful to the Future: Big Picture Inspiration for Chaotic Times"
POSTPONED: Adult RE - Reverence for Life
Reverence for Life: Transforming Belief into Practice through Animal Ministry
This class is specifically designed for UU's interested in beginning, supporting, or growing animal ministries in their congregations. During this one session one hour webinar we will reflect upon Albert Schweitzer's ethic of Reverence for Life and what it could mean for our lives, organizations, and congregations. We will outline resources and possible next steps to set up an animal ministry within your congregation, with specific consideration for Unitarian Universalist congregations. Part of this ministry might include joining the Reverence for Life Program designed by UUAM
Adult RE - Book Discussion Group - (re-scheduled will be on 04-21)
Adult RE - Book Discussion Group
D4$ - Pancake Breakfast
Come and enjoy our famous and fabulous pancakes, using the secret recipe of the late UUSM icon Dan Voegtlen. This event is perfect for both vegans and meat eaters!
This years Dining for Dollars Pancake Breakfast is hosted by UUSM's Men's Group.
Suggested donation: $10. You may pay the day of the breakfast at the door.
To help with set-up, contact the Men's Group leader, Richard Mathias: 310-645-1070 (home) or richmathias2@yahoo.com.
Second Sunday Cinema - Report by Peace Coalition on Syria
The Peace & Social Justice Committee will screen a December report-back from members of the Hands Off Syria Coalition. With the devastating war in Syria in its sixth year and a US President whose policy there is not yet known, the report includes a first-hand account from independent Canadian journalist Eva Bartlett-- who speaks Arabic and has recently reported from the embattled city of Aleppo. You may read her blog at InGaza.WordPress.com.
A discussion will follow a 36-minute excerpt from the video.
Please join us!
FIA - ACLU Workshop: "Know Your Rights - Encountering Law Enforcement"
We rely on law enforcement to keep us safe and treat us fairly regardless of race, ethnicity, national origin, or religion. This workshop provides tips for interacting with law enforcement and understanding your rights.
Shakeel Syed is currently serving as the Executive Director of OCCORD (Orange County Communities Organized for Responsible Development) and is a board member of ACLU & Death Penalty Focus. He is a life long civil rights & human rights activist. He is the former executive director of the Islamic Shura Council, an umbrella organization of mosques and Muslim organizations in Southern California.
Note: free parking for this event will be available at the UCLA Hospital parking structure at 16th & Arizona. See link for parking pass instructions.