General Congregational Meeting on Developmental Ministry - PLEASE RSVP

On Sunday, March 5th all members of UUSM are asked to attend a congregational meeting to affirm the pursuit of a Developmental Minister to work with us for the next 3+ years.
There is a TON of information at and also in the email below. 
We need you on March 5th:
We want as many people as possible to actively participate and to get educated beforehand if possible. We also must have a quorum of at least 55-ish people onsite that day for the vote to proceed.
If you have questions, we need to hear them so we can understand where there is lack of clarity or even disagreement.
About Developmental Ministry (DM): DM is a type of transitional ministry that occurs between two long-term called/settled ministries over a period of 3 or more years. It’s ideal for a congregation that has specific goals it wants to work on before calling its next long-term minister.
It is called “developmental” ministry, because the work that a Developmental Minister will engage in with the congregation is developmental in nature: think (re)learning to walk before running, or (re)learning to do yoga poses with a “professional” instead of a “friend who’s done it for years”.
What we see as our work to be done: Your board of directors feels we have some congregational goals to pursue that are optimal for Developmental Ministry. Here they are in super simplistic form in no particular order:
1. Let’s get better at working and playing better together – respecting difference while recognizing our common goals of making this life of ours the best it can be (as individuals and in community);
2. Let’s reconnect with and recommit to our shared mission and vision;
3. Let’s revitalize membership and leadership and leadership development so that our UU congregation becomes a better instrument for personal and community development;
4. Let’s invest in strengthening programs that help us learn more about where we come from, get better about connecting with each other and create a culture of caring for strangers and friends alike
5. Let’s develop stronger stewardship of the programs and resources that fuel our mission and vision – that means fundraising but it’s more than that; and
6. Let’s address structural issues in our church governance that may make our congregational work harder than it needs to be.
We would surely benefit by bringing in a minister for 3 or more years to work with us specifically on these issues.
It’s like bringing in a personal trainer when you’re stuck on losing those extra pounds.
In service,
Developmental Ministry Task Force Co-Chairs Kim Miller ( / 310-471-1625) and Jacki Weber ( / 310-849-5835).


Date / Time: 
Sunday, March 5, 2017 - 12:30pm - 3:00pm

D4$ - Music Dept Concert "A World of Music"

Please join us for a special night of singing and fellowship as we celebrate music from around the world. Afterwards, please join us in Forbes for desserts and refreshments. This is choir’s contribution to the general operating budget, suggested donation is $20, or pay what you can. Parking will be available at the UCLA lot. Contact: Dr. Zanaida Robles,

Date / Time: 
Saturday, June 10, 2017 - 7:00pm - 9:00pm
Contact Name: 
Dr. Zanaida Robles

Lunches for Bunches

Date / Time: 
Sunday, January 29, 2017 - 10:15am - 11:00pm
Contact Name: 
Patrick Meighan

Right Relations Task Force

Date / Time: 
Sunday, January 29, 2017 - 12:30pm - 4:30pm
Contact Name: 
Vilma Ortiz

Developmental Minister Task Force - Worksop

Date / Time: 
Sunday, January 15, 2017 - 12:00pm - 1:00pm
Contact Name: 
Jacki Weber
Kim Miller

Developmental Minister Task Force - workshop

Date / Time: 
Saturday, January 14, 2017 - 10:00am - 12:00pm
Contact Name: 
Jacki Weber
Kim Miller

Developmental Minister Task Force - workshop

Date / Time: 
Thursday, January 12, 2017 - 7:00pm - 9:00pm
Contact Name: 
Jacki Weber
Kim Miller

R/E - Peace Awareness Labyrinth and Gardens

Visit to the Peace Awareness Labyrinth and Gardens, Sun, Jan 8 1:15pm

Meet in Forbes Hall and we will carpool to the site.

A docent who will give us a tour of the labyrinth and gardens, and introduce us to the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness. Walk the labyrinth and meditate in the gardens.

Contact: Dan Patterson,, or sign up at the Lifespan RE table. Space is limited. 

Date / Time: 
Sunday, January 8, 2017
Contact Name: 
Dan Patterson

January, 2017

Evelyn Meyer - "Every Work is a Joyful surprise"

Brighten up your winter by checking out the bright, psychedelic-inspired works by artist Evelyn Meyer. We look forward to seeing you at the opening reception Sunday, January 8 from 12 to 1:30 pm. The exhibit will be hung by New Year’s Day and run through the end of the month. (Please note that the opening reception this month is NOT on the first Sunday.)
Evelyn Meyer, although an experienced artist at 82, has recently discovered a new way to create art, which will be showcased on the January Art Wall. “I found psychedelic poster board in pink, orange, green and yellow,” Evelyn says. “It has been an adventure working on them.…The colors you think you are painting come out differently and every work is a joyful surprise.”
Evelyn Meyer has been creating art since age three, changing her style as her artistic needs changed. She has also written many training materials and helped create two documentary films on preparing for retirement, notated by AARP: “A Week Full of Saturdays” and “So What if It Rains.” Evelyn also prepared course material for the docents at Carnegie Hall.
According to Evelyn’s artist book, which accompanied her exhibition at the Santa Monica College Emeritus Gallery in 2009, “As an international language, art speaks beyond culture as a medium for conversation and exchange of ideas.” Evelyn currently mentors art students from Santa Monica College, and she paints, and paints, and paints! Evelyn appreciates that our church gives young artists the opportunity to show their work in a welcoming setting, and has graciously decided to give UU Santa Monica 100% of the proceeds from the sale of her art.
For further info about this show or about exhibiting on the Art Wall at the Unitarian Universalist Community Church of Santa Monica, please contact our art director, Beverly Alison. For weekday appointments, please contact Nancy Thompson at or 310-829-5436 ext. 102.

Heart and Soul: A Contemplative Worship Service - 5 p.m.

Sunday, February 5, 2017 - 5:00pm
Kikanza Nuri-Robins, Joyce Holmen, and Karen Hsu Patterson
In consultation with our minister, we are continuing the 5 p.m. Heart and Soul services, now led by Kikanza Nuri-Robins, Joyce Holmen, and Karen Hsu Patterson. With singing and instrumental music, statements and questions, silence and sharing, we’ll explore the theme of "What does it mean to be a community of identity?"