What is Meaningful and What We Value
Intergenerational Justice: Sacred Science, Evolving Faith
"Arrival": Data Driven Religion (Note: Daylight Savings Time Begins Today!)
Peace and Social Justice Committee - screening the film "Paying the Price for Peace, The Story of S. Brian Willson"
The Peace and Social Justice Committee is sponsoring a showing of the film, "Paying the Price for Peace, The Story of S. Brian Willson", whose assistant director, Frank Dorrel, is well known to the UUSM congregation. Reception to follow in Forbes Hall afterward.
Parking available at the UCLA structure located at 1311 16th Street.
UUSM Communications Team Meeting
UUSM Communications Team Meeting
Compassionate Leave Taking Committee Meeting
Art Committee-Sponsored Holiday Craft Fair
Our returning artists this year: Bettye Barclay- glass, pottery and jewelry, Bob Dietz, Jesse Dietz and Ellen Levy- pottery and stone sculptures, Amy Lacombe -clay items and jewelry, Rachelle Zuckerman- Ceramic sculptures, Linda van Lighten- knitted cowls by her sister Jane
And new this year: Janet Grings- clay planters with plants, Kathleen Hogue- jewelry, Stacy Diehl- paintings, and watercolor artists Cindy Kelly, Kim Miller and Sue Stoyanoff will have sets of their watercolor cards
For information about the craft fair contact Bettye Barclay bfbarclay@earthlink.net
So far we have:
Open Hours Event
As we enter this time of ministerial transition, you may want to spend some time with our Minister to share your thoughts, feelings, or stories of our time together, as we begin to say goodbye. Open Hours are hosted by a member of our Board of Directors and/or our Right Relations Task Force with our Minister and intended to open space and time in our life together for a compassionate leavetaking.
For our March 12 Open Hours, hosted by Member and Tom Peters, you are welcome to drop in or rsvp to Rev. Rebecca at minister@uusm.org or Tom Peters at tom.milton.peters@gmail.com to let us you know will be stopping by.