Newsletter Policy
Test Limited Product - Class Space
This is a test of the "Limited Product" product type. It represents an available seat in a classroom limited to an occupancy of 30 people, with 3 spaces reserved ahead of time.
"Leaving Room for Hope: Sermons for Uncertain Times"
By the Rev. Judith E. Meyer, Minister Emerita
Edited by Felicity A. Nussbaum
Forward by the Rev. Ernest D. Pipes, Jr., Minister Emeritus
This collection of sermons from our Minister Emeritus spans the years 1993-2005 and addresses a variety of themes. From the spiritual experience of every day life to Unitarian Universalist history, Leaving Room for Hope is a good sampling of our Sunday pulpit messages. Publication of the book celebrated Judith’s twenty-fifth year in the ministry.
Make a Donation
Donate Immediately With Your Smartphone
Text to 844-982-0209 with the amount you’d like to donate and the code for where you would like your donation to go. To make a Generous Congregation Contribution, use code GCC; for example, “$20 GCC”. To make a Pledge contribution, use PLG (“$20 PLG”). To make a non-pledge contribution to another fund, use IDC (“$20 IDC”). Text giving is easy and makes a big difference. Donations of any amount are gratefully accepted. (The first time you give, you’ll be asked to register.)

Click on the UUSM ONLINE image above to make an online financial donation to the church from your computer. It will take you to a secure form powered by VANCO Payment Solutions, the company that processes our donations. You will be able to enter your donation details and designate the specific purpose of your donation.
PLEASE NOTE: When you click the "Make a Donation" button, you will be taken away from the website, to a secure page powered by VANCO Payment Solutions. If it asks you to log in, you will need to create a NEW separate account on that site, and log into it separately from your website account. Find out more about Vanco at
- Online pledge payments and donations can be made by credit card or electronic funds transfer (EFT) from your checking or savings bank account
- A confirmation page will appear after your payment is completed.
- Questions about making an online pledge payment or donation? Contact us at

The GivePlus Mobile app, also powered by VANCO Payment Solutions, allows you to make a donation to UUSM on your phone or other mobile device - wherever you are. It's as easy as 1-2-3.
Search for "GivePlus Church" to find it quickly.
GivePlus Mobile supports donations via all major debit and/or credit cards, as well as by electronic funds transfer (EFT). If you have a Vanco or GivePlus account or choose to create one, you can log in and select the frequency of the transaction during the donation process.
If you would prefer to write a check, mail it to:
Unitarian Universalist Community Church of Santa Monica
1260 18th Street
Santa Monica, CA 90404
Please note on the check what you want the funds used for. Checks without a notation will be deposited into the General Operating fund.
Annual Commitment Campaign
Update your annual pledge by downloading, completing and returning the pledge form found HERE. You can arrange scheduled payments through the Make A Donation link above.
Garden of Eternity
DONATE A BRICK ENGRAVED WITH YOUR LOVED ONE'S NAME. Members can donate $500 or more in memory of a loved one, family member, or former church member and have that person's name, date of birth and date of death engraved in a brick which will become part of the Garden of Eternity project. Download and complete the order form and make your donation, or contact Nurit Gordon at for more information. Once you've make your donation, please e-mail or deliver your completed form to the Church Office or, attention Nurit Gordon.
FIA Textbook Fund
A few years ago UUSM joined with several other UUs throughout the state of California to raise funds for textbooks for inmates who were taking courses through a community college. Although the courses are free, students must pay for textbooks, which are often quite expensive. At UUSM we set a goal of $750, which was exceeded by more than 100 percent, with a final total of over $2,000.
We have now received several letters from inmates who received textbooks through the fund, expressing their gratitude for the textbooks and for the opportunity provided to continue their education. Many indicated how they hope to use what they learn to help others. The need for textbooks for student inmates continues, and we are re-launching the campaign to raise funds, this time with a goal of $1,500. As before, the funds are being administered by Faith in Action. At the end of the campaign, UUCCSM will send a check for the total to a foundation set up by the community college; the foundation then provides scholarships (the Unitarian Universalist Textbook Scholarships) for student inmates to be used to pay for textbooks.
If you would like to donate to this effort, please click here or on the blue donation button, above, and specify that you would like your donation to go to the "FIA Textbook Fund."
Ralphs Community Contributions
If you shop at Ralphs, we have a way for you to give to UUCCSM. Under their Community Contributions program, Ralphs donates to UUCCSM a portion of every dollar you spend at Ralphs when you enroll on-line with your Ralphs Rewards Card number. For more information, and instructions on how to register your Ralphs Card and connect it to UUSM, see (Note: you will need our NPO (non-profit organization) number which is 81397.)
Donate from your smart phone!
UUCCSM now offers a mobile version of our online giving page to make it easy for you to give anytime from your smart phone. Simply scan the image you see here using your phone’s Quick Response (QR) code reader!
For other payment options or to ask a question, call Cyndee Hayes, Financial Assistant, at (310) 829-5436 x102.
fUUsion: Young Adults
Join our Yahoo! Groups e-mail list at: UUCCSMYA/ and become a fan of fUUsion on Facebook to be notified about upcoming events.
Keep updated on UU young adult events throughout the greater Los Angeles area via UUYALA (Unitarian Universalist Young Adults in Los Angeles).
fUUsion is also now on
**NEW: As of June 1, 2017, Karen Hsu Patterson will be stepping down as primary contact and group coordinator. fUUsion is currently seeking new leadership. In the meantime, you can generally find our UU young adults at the 11 AM service, or in Forbes Hall after the 11 AM service.
(Last updated: 4/28/2017)
Please note: as of October, 2018, our UUSM newsletter is now available in a new format, produced especially for online viewing at
Previous newsletters were produced in two different formats - a full PDF available to church members only (Church Member-level website account required), and a slightly different format available to the public. Public newsletters from earlier in 2018 can be found at the following links:
January, 2018
February, 2018
March, 2018
April, 2018
May, 2018
June, 2018
July, 2018
August, 2018
September, 2018
Specific content from previous newsletters also appears on these pages:
- From Our Minister
- From Our President
- Featured Articles
- News & Announcements
- Building News
- Faith in Action News
- From the Archives
- Membership News
- Music News
- RE News
....and you can find even more newsletter content in the Calendar, Worship & Sermons, Getting Involved, Faith in Action and Lifespan Religious Education sections of this website.
Religious Education Registration & Permission Forms
If your child will be participating in our Nursery or Religious Education programs, please complete our Religious Education registration form.
Annual Reports on Programs
The reports in this section require Adobe Acrobat or Acrobat Reader.
Annual Report on Programs - Fiscal Year 2021-2022
Annual Report on Programs - Fiscal Year 2020-2021
Annual Report on Programs - Fiscal Year 2019-2020
Annual Report on Programs - Fiscal Year 2018-2019
Annual Report on Programs - Fiscal Year 2017-2018
Annual Report on Programs - Fiscal Year 2016-2017
Annual Report on Programs - Fiscal Year 2015-2016
Annual Report on Programs - Fiscal Year 2014-2015
2013-2014 Staff & Committee Annual Report
2012-2013 Staff & Committee Annual Report
2011-2012 Staff & Committee Annual Report
2010-2011 Staff & Committee Annual Report
2009-2010 Staff and Committee Annual Report (not available at this time)
2008-2009 Staff & Committee Annual Report
2007-2008 Staff & Committee Annual Report
2006-2007 Staff & Committee Annual Report
2005-2006 Staff & Committee Annual Report
2004-2005 Staff & Committee Annual Reports
2003-2004 Staff & Committee Annual Reports
2002-2003 Staff Annual Reports
2002-2003 Committee Annual Reports
You play a critical role in helping build the Beloved Community.
We are 100% self sustaining. If you value the enrichment, the encouragment to growth, and the opportunities to work together to bring more love and justice into the world, please take a moment today to pledge for the life of this community.
- CLICK TO COMPLETE your pledge form online OR
- CLICK TO UPDATE your pledge and payment information here (please select drop-down to indicate 2022-23 Pledge) OR
- CLICK TO PRINT and return your pledge form by mail.
Got questions? Please email church president Beth Brownlie at or Stewardship chair Jacki Weber at They're also in the church directory and are happy to talk!

How we create a culture of abundance at UUSM.