Order of Service - Christmas Eve, 2015: 6pm & 8pm
Christmas Eve 6pm and 8pm
*Gathering Hymn O Come All Ye Faithful John Francis Wade
O come, all ye faithful, joyful and triumphant,
O come ye, O come ye, to Bethlehem.
Come and behold him, born the King of angels;
Venite, adoremus, venite, adoremus, venite, adoremus Dominum.
Lo, humble shepherds, hasting to his cradle,
leaving their flocks in the fields, draw near.
We, too, with gladness, thither bend our footsteps;
Venite, adoremus, venite, adoremus, venite, adoremus Dominum.
Sing, choirs of angels, sing in exultation;
O sing, all ye citizens of heav’n above!
Glory to God, all glory in the highest;
Venite, adoremus, venite, adoremus, venite, adoremus Dominum.
Prelude Etude-Tableau, Op. 33, No. 6 Sergei Rachmaninoff
Welcome Rev. Tera Little
Chalice Lighting Catherine Farmer Loya (6pm)
DeReau K. Farrar (8pm)
*Carol #238 Within the Shining of a Star
Story The First Christmas Carol Marianne Jordan
Catherine Loya (6pm)
Rev. Tera Little (8pm)
Anthem The First Noel (6pm) arr. Dan Forrest
Свете тихий (8pm) Sergei Rachmaninoff
with Gabriel Paredes
Lesson Luke 2:1-7
(6pm) Elias Ellison
(8pm) Alyssa Wood
*Carol #256 Winter Night
Lesson Luke 2:8-14
Kevin Arnold (6pm)
Buudha Quant (8pm)
Anthem O Magnum Mysterium (6pm) Tomas Luis de Victoria
Слава въ вышнихъ Богу (8pm) Sergei Rachmaninoff
Lesson Luke 2:15-19
Jeremy Arnold (6pm)
Karen Hsu Patterson (8pm)
Homily Love Reborn Rev. Tera Little
Carol #241 In the Bleak Midwinter
Offering Abby Arnold (6pm)
Cathie Gentile (8pm)
Offertory And Peace Attend Thee (6pm) Daniel Pinkham
Богородице Дѣво (8pm) Sergei Rachmaninoff
Homily Still Christmas Rev. Rick Hoyt-McDaniels
Sharing the Light
*Carol #251 Silent Night, Holy Night
*Benediction Rev. Rick Hoyt-McDaniels
*Carol #245 Joy to the World!
Extinguishing the Chalice
*Please stand in body or in spirit
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Service Notes
Thank you to our service participants: Dan Patterson, Kit Shaw, Jila Tayefehnowrooz
Choral music for the 8pm service is from movements #4, #6, and #7 of Sergei Rachmaninoff’s All-Night Vigil. Thank you to those who spent the extra time and effort to learn this challenging and beautiful music in Ancient Slavic: Colleen Keene, Alice Maupin, Jyvonne Haskin, Rima Snyder, Karen Hsu Patterson, Gabriel Paredes, Lars Kjeseth, Larry Howard, and James Hayden.
Refreshments after tonight’s services are provided by the Hospitality Committee: Sheila Cummins, Debbie Menzies and Carol Ring
One hundred percent of our offering will go to the Ocean Park Community Center (OPCC). OPCC empowers people to rebuild their lives, with the goal of ending-- not simply managing -- human suffering. OPCC is an independent, community-supported organization in which staff, volunteers and clients work with mutual respect to address the effects of poverty, abuse, neglect and discrimination. The agency's programs are designed to remove barriers to access the resources individuals need to ensure their survival, end their victimization and improve their quality of life.
If you would like to make an additional gift to the church, please designate UU Santa Monica on your check or mark UU Santa Monica on one of the small envelopes provided. You can also make a one-time or monthly gift to the church at archive.uusm.org/make-a-donation.