
Childrens Programs

The Religious Exploration program of UUCCSM is dedicated to the personal and spiritual development of our children within the context of our Unitarian Universalist faith.

The 2018-2019

Nursery Care: Babies and toddlers are kept safe and happy with loving care.  Our nursery room is a warm and welcoming place for you and your children.  Staffed by professional childcare providers and loving members of our church community. Located in cottage SW

9:00 AM Preschool-Kindergarten- 2nd Grade: “Spirit Seekers” This year’s curriculum is drawn from our church covenant.  (“Love is the doctrine of this church.  The quest for truth…) We have taken six themes from the covenant—Love, Service, Peace, Knowledge/Truth, Freedom, and Community—around which to organize the Sunday lessons. Throughout the year, we will take 3-4 consecutive Sundays to explore aspects of each theme, always bringing it back to our covenant.  For example, with Love, we will talk about love for self, love for family, and love for others.   We will explore these themes using storybooks and craft activities. The only exception is the Service theme.  With this theme, we will take the classroom Sunday before each Faith-In-Action Sunday to explore the aspect of Service related to the Faith-In-Action field trip. We hope you will join us! Meets in the Cottage

9:00 AM 3rd-5th Grade: “The UUniverse Story”- How do we know what we know?  All meaning stories, origin stories or creation myths, regardless of time or setting, have been a reflection of all the knowledge and technology available to its particular culture.  “The UUniverse Story” is designed to celebrate what we know in the 21st century and to nurture a sense of awe and wonder for the world around us through a hands-on, science-based curriculum intended to give an appreciation of the incredible achievements of our species to understand the world and our place in it.  Kids will engage our UU Principles and values as they explore the chemistry of life, the ideas of evolution and change over time, and the interconnectedness of all people from our shared ancestry with each other and every other life form on the planet. Meets in Forbes Room 4

9:00 AM 6th-7th Grade: “Interfaith Quest” is a two-year comparative religions course that takes participants outside of our own walls to learn about the world’s religions through building relationships and doing interfaith service work with youth from other  religious traditions.  Participants will reflect on the unique and universal of religious experience, explore their own values as they relate to many other faith traditions, and increase their appreciation of religious diversity.  The concept for this new course was inspired by the book Acts of Faith: The Story of an American Muslim, in the Struggle for the Soul of a Generation by Eboo Patel. Mr Patel’s experience taught him that when youth from faiths who share the common value of doing good work in the world come together to work cooperatively on a service project, it not only helps to break down barriers of misunderstanding, but also deepens one’s own faith through sharing it with others. This year we will start by critically examining one of our own services and discussing the elements and what they mean and what purpose they serve.  Then we will study Hinduism, Buddhism and finish the RE year studying some Native American Religions.  We will also be taking time out from "study" to have fun, to bond, to create community and to do service.  Meets in Forbes Room 3

9:00 AM 9th-12th Grade: Young Religious Unitarian Universalists (YRUU) empowers teens, with the guidance of adult advisors, to create their own vision and mission for their program.  YRUU youth will explore what it means to be young and UU, how our UU principles inform how we live our lives, and what power young UU’s have to change the world.  YRUU also takes part in social justice projects, organizes social gatherings, and will plan and lead a Sunday worship service for the congregation.

Multi-Age Class 11:00 AM -We are "Soul Explorers"  For our 11 AM All Ages class we will be exploring the monthly topics used in our congregation from Soul Matters.  Children will be engaged in stories, art, music, meditation, nature and service. We use an experiential rather than a “school” framework. In other words, each session strives to engage children in four fundamental spiritual experiences; what we call “the four  S’s”:

The Four S’s” of Nurturing the Soul

  • Silence  meditation, listening, mindfulness
  • Service  leadership, helping others
  • Sunshine  connection with nature and our bodies through outdoor activities or movement
  • Silliness!  (We will have fun)



Safe Sitter® Essentials With CPR 

Safe Sitter® teaches young babysitters how to handle crises and how to nurture and guide young child. Safe Sitter® babysitters help children stay safe and sound while their parents are away. In the process, these 11 to 18-year-olds emerge as more confident, responsible and compassionate teens and adults. 
This 6 ½ hour course covers all of the course content in Safe Sitter® Essentials which include  Safety Skills, Child Care Skills, First Aid and Rescue Skills, and Life and Business Skills with an additional hour of CPR instruction and manikin practice.  This is a full day so a good night sleep and breakfast are very important as well as arriving on time at 9:00 AM.
Next scheduled classes: February 16th & May 18th
For more information, contact


Children’s RE to Host May 2019 Art Wall Exhibit Reception on May 5, Noon, Forbes.

Children’s RE to Host this Month’s Art Wall Exhibit

SANTA MONICA - This Sunday’s Art Wall opening reception, Kathleen Hogue, Director of Religious Explorations, members and friends will gather at Forbes Hall after both services to celebrate yet another way for children to experience and learn from the community about the value of art, for one of Hogue’s final projects before her departure.

The collection reminds the viewer of the connections to one another, home on earth and what completes so-called life.

Teri Lucas, Assistant to DRE, said the kid’s work is one of the best in years since the art wall started featuring work by kids, “It’s not often our hard-working art director takes breaks from her rigorous curation all year-round.”

The art pieces are one of a kind, generational contribution to the church and represent the devotion to kids in a knit-tight community, and proceeds will benefit the RE Assistant fund to support the program that at the moment is lacking funds.

The art wall will feature collaborations and sculptures by the young artist throughout the program, decorating the hall of pleasant spring tones, as a little reminder of the fragile environment they will inherit.

The art wall for the month of May features works created individually and collaboratively by UU Santa Monica children, youth, teachers, parents, and staff that will begin promptly at noon, after Reverend Greg Ward’s “Enthousiasmos” sermon, Sunday, May 5.

Reverend Greg Ward at UU Santa Monica said there are a lot of exciting new things happening to the church, as and thanked the Kathleen, Teri Lucas, and the kids for their contribution to the art wall this month.

Choir Concert

The UUSM choir presents Elizabeth Alexander’s Kindling: Small Reflections of a Limitless Faith. This cantata is comprised of stories and discoveries, both intimate and universal, based on Unitarian Universalism’s Six Sources of Religion. The concert will be on November 18, 2022 at 7:30pm. A $15 donation is requested. There will be a post concert reception in the courtyard. 

Choir Information


Rehearsal Schedule:

Rehearsals are held Thursday evenings from 7:30-9:15 p.m. every week from the last week in August through the first week in June, and rehearsal/warm-up Sunday mornings 10:05-10:50 a.m. on all Sundays that the choir is singing at the 11:00 service. We meet in the choir pews in the sanctuary unless otherwise instructed. You are strongly encouraged to attend rehearsal every week, as this is where the real strength of the choral sound is created. You are always welcome in the choir, even if you cannot attend every rehearsal. However, unless you are a very experienced sight-reader or have taken the music home to learn on your own, we ask that you only come to perform on pieces that you have rehearsed with the choir. Sometimes extra rehearsals may be added if we are working on special performances.

Regular Performances:

The choir generally sings at the 11 a.m. service every Sunday, from September to June. We are off in July and August. Occasionally this schedule will vary; for instance, from time to time we will sing at the 9 a.m. service only, occasionally we may sing at both services, and sometimes we don’t sing on one of our regular Sundays due to special events. Choir members will be notified in advance of these changes; if you have missed rehearsals, you may want to check with the choir director or a choir member for an update on any schedule changes.

Special Performances:

The choir sings on Christmas Eve and at a few special events during the church year. Special events can include concerts, which may be held on a Sunday afternoon in the spring or fall, and the annual Dining for Dollars event, generally held on a Saturday evening in May or June. The Dining for Dollars event is a fund-raiser for the church, and the format varies from year to year. The evening includes music within a particular theme and sometimes a meal or refreshments being served (past themes have included world music, country, Broadway show tunes, songs of the 1960’s, madrigal music, Gilbert and Sullivan, etc.). Occasionally we may be asked to sing at some other sort of event, such as a memorial service, special performance at another church, or some other outside performance. These are always optional, but your participation is appreciated.


In order to create a more uniform look for the choir, we have the following dress code for all performances (Sunday services and concerts) unless otherwise stated:

  • Men: Black pants, solid color shirt (not black or white).
  • Women: Black pants or skirt, solid color top (not black or white).

Rehearsal Structure:

Rehearsals are conducted by Choir Director, and will vary depending on what is being sung. Sometimes we will all learn pieces together, other times we may split up into sections and learn our parts separately. At times, sectional rehearsals may be conducted by our paid section leaders. Unless otherwise instructed, we meet as a group in the sanctuary to begin. Music is generally distributed at the beginning of rehearsal, and announcements are made at this time also, so it is important to be punctual. If you are missing music, please see music librarian Rima Snyder. Turn in music to Rima after we sing it, unless instructed to keep it for a future performance.

Musical Ability:

We come together with a wide variety of musical backgrounds and levels of experience. Some choral singing experience, and a basic knowledge reading music is helpful. Music sight-reading, while desirable, is not required. If you don’t understand a term being used or something you see in the music, please don’t hesitate to ask for an explanation. Even the most experienced of us are still learning. By singing in the choir, we are committed to learning and improving our skills together.

Solos & Small Group Singing:

If you are interested in singing solos, or with small groups, please speak to the director about finding a time to do so. Solos are sometimes part of a choral work we are performing, and there are also some opportunities for solo or small group singing at the 9 o’clock service, at the 11 o’clock service when the choir is not singing, for services in July and August, and at the Dining for Dollars event.


There is a choir roster with contact information for all choir members. It is kept as current as possible. Please give your address, phone number and e-mail address to Rima Snyder for inclusion.

Music Committee:

The music committee oversees and supports all aspects of the music program for the church. If you would like information about joining the committee or being on the e-mail list to be notified of the committee’s activities, please contact the music director.

Thank you for your interest in our music program!

Choir Party - end of season
Choir Practice
Choir Practice
Choir Practice
Choir Practice
Choir Practice
Choir Practice (section break out)