
Christmas Eve Candlelight Service (6 & 8 p.m.)
UUSM welcomes all as we gather for candlelight services on Christmas Eve. At 6:00 pm, Music Director Dr. Zanaida Robles will conduct the adult choir.
Minister Greg Ward will deliver a message evoking the spirit of the season at these moving services of candlelight and song. 
Our traditional candlelight services will be led by our minister, Rev. Greg Ward, and the adult choir is led by Music Director Dr. Zanaida Robles. There will be stories, carols and music to draw us deeper into the truest meaning behind the original journey to Bethlehem. This moving service culminates in a candlelit singing of “Silent Night.”
Parking is provided at the UCLA structure for this special evening.
Christmas Eve Candlelight Service (6 p.m. and 8 p.m.)
We’re all familiar with the traditional story the describes a particularly dark moment in humanity’s existence, and the birth of a child that grows up to be a great light. We are certainly in dark times today. This traditional Candlelight Christmas Eve service of lessons and carols will be a contemporary adaptation of a sacred story based on Unitarian educator Sophia Lyon Fahs’ prophecy that “every night a child is born is a holy night.” We will imagine what it would look like if the prophet called to bring light to the world were born today. Come to sing, hear stories, light candles, and rejoice in the shared calling for us all to create Peace on Earth. The choir will perform at both services.
Christmas Eve Candlelight Service (Online Service)
Christmas Eve Candlelight Service (Online Service)
Join us for our online Christmas Eve service this year as we joyfully sing the carols of the season from around the globe and consider the deeper meaning of the story of Christmas.  Tonight’s offering will benefit the Minister’s Discretionary Account.
Christmas Eve Candlelight Service (Online Service)
Christmas Eve Candlelight Service - 8 p.m.

Join us for the lessons and carols of Christmastime as we celebrate this holiday with our traditional service.

Christmas Eve Candlelight Service - December 24, 2021

Rev. Jeremiah Kalendae

Christmas Eve Candlelight Services

6 pm and 8 pm

Christmas Eve Candlelighting Service

UUSM welcomes all as we gather for candlelight services on Christmas Eve. At 6:00 pm, Music Director Saunder Choi will conduct the adult choir.

Minister Greg Ward will deliver a message evoking the spirit of the season at these moving services of candlelight and song. 

Our traditional candlelight services will be led by our minister, Rev. Greg Ward, and the adult choir is led by Music Saunder Choi. There will be stories, carols and music to draw us deeper into the truest meaning behind the original journey to Bethlehem. This moving service culminates in a candlelit singing of “Silent Night.”

Parking is provided at the UCLA structure for this special evening.

Christmas Eve Candlelighting Service

UUSM welcomes all as we gather for candlelight services on Christmas Eve. Three services will mark this Eve, so come one, come all!

Led by the Rev. Jeremiah Kalendae and Direcctor of Music Saunder Choi, Director of Religious Exploration Cleo Anderson, and  Worship Associate Rima Snyder. Join us for the lessons and carols of Christmastime as we celebrate this holiday with our traditional service.

Light refreshments will be offered after each service.

Parking is provided at the UCLA structure for this special evening.

Christmas Eve Candlelighting Service

UUSM welcomes all as we gather for candlelight services on Christmas Eve. Three services will mark this Eve, so come one, come all!

Led by the Rev. Jeremiah Kalendae, Director of Music Saunder Choi, Director of Religious Exploration Cleo Anderson, and Worship Associate Rima Snyder. Join us for the lessons and carols of Christmastime as we celebrate this holiday with our traditional service.

Light refreshments will be offered after each service.

Parking is provided at the UCLA  structure for this special evening.

Christmas Eve Services

6 p.m. Family Vespers Service
A service of carols, music and stories especially for children and their families.

8 p.m. Candle Lighting Vespers Service
A quiet service of reflection and music concluding with a candle lighting ceremony.