
Breaths (Y. Barnwell) - UUSM Vocalists
Broken Open
Buddhism, Zen, and a Call to Justice (Online Service)
What Buddhism and particularly Zen say to people today seeking ways to engage not only the deeper matters of the heart, but the heart of justice?
The Rev. James Ishmael Ford has been a Unitarian Universalist parish minister for 30 years. He is Minister Emeritus of the First Unitarian Church of Providence. In his early retirement he continues to serve, currently as consulting minister for the UU Church in Anaheim. James is also a Zen Buddhist priest, guiding teacher of the Empty Moon Zen sangha, and is the author of several books addressing Zen and Buddhism.
Buddhist Wisdom
Unitarian Universalist faith affirms “wisdom from the world’s religions which inspires us in our ethical and spiritual life.” The life of Siddhattha Gotama — “The Enlightened One” — had a profound impact on our liberal religious faith. Join us for this service as we consider Buddhist wisdom for our lives.
Buddhist-Inspired Photography

Our February Art Wall exhibit, “Two Photographers Inspired by Buddhist Teachings,” opens with a reception at 1 p.m. on Sunday, February 2, and runs through February 27. All the works are for sale, with part of the proceeds
benefiting UUCCSM.
Photographer Karen Redding is showing selected works from “Travels Through Humanity,” her social documentary of indigenous people she has met in many parts of the world. UUCCSM member, Carol Ring, is showing works created by combining three evocative photos with a brief, superimposed “loving-kindness” phrase.
Karen became a professional photographer in 2008. She has worked as a clinical psychologist and psychoanalyst with a private practice and runs a mindfulness meditation practice. This background, combined with her passion for travel, inspires her relationship to her subjects and how she interprets what she sees. The work embraces the human landscape of diversity while highlighting what it means to be human: our need for connection; a quest for safety and a sense of belonging; our innate desire to be seen and accepted deeply. These photos from her travels have received favorable reviews in several art exhibitions in Southern California. Read more about her work at
Carol always carries her camera, often stopping to shoot whatever captures her eye: reflections  clouds, graffiti, land and cityscapes, or just interesting abstractions of shapes and colors. She recently retired from a career as a graphic artist, and is becoming an ardent meditator and student of Buddhism and neuropsychology.
Each piece in this show features one photo that serves as a visual frame for two other images and a mindfulness or metta (loving-kindness) phrase superimposed. The works are meant to “re-mind” the viewer to be more  present, to relax more deeply into a felt-sense of our true nature. These prints are made by infusing dyes onto coated brushed aluminum. See this show and all of Carol’s artwork at
Admission to this show is free, all works are for sale. Opening Reception: Sunday, February 2, 2014 at  1:00. Meet Karen K. Redding and Carol Ring. Light refreshments. Closing Reception:  Sunday, February 22, 2014 at 12:00 - 1:30. Open Sundays in February from 9AM - 1 PM.  Open by appointment Monday through Friday.  Contact: Nancy, 310-829-5436, ext. 102 

Unitarian Universalist Community Church of Santa Monica
1260 18th St, Santa Monica 90404 (corner of 18thand Arizona)
Sunday parking in structure on 16th Street south of Arizona Ave.

Budget Development Procedure

Approved by the Board of Directors 2-10-04

1. In December, Finance Committee solicits (1) budget requests for the coming fiscal year from director-level staff and pertinent committees relative to all budget-supported functions and (2) Personnel Committee recommendations for size of non-ministerial salary adjustment pool and salary adjustment for the Minister for the coming fiscal year.

2. Prior to the Finance Committee February meeting, Personnel Committee recommends to Finance Committee size of non-ministerial salary adjustment pool (as a percent of current total salaries; may be zero) and size of salary adjustment for the Minister for the coming fiscal year.

3. Prior to the March Board meeting, Finance Committee, taking account of inputs from 1 and 2 above, develops detailed draft budget. Finance Committee sends pertinent portions of draft budget for comment to all staff members and committees who have submitted budget requests, and to Personnel Committee if the budget does not fully reflect that committee’s salary adjustment recommendations.

4. In cases where the draft budget differs from the Item 1 or 2 inputs, Finance Committee seeks to achieve agreement prior to item 5 below.

5. At its March meeting, Board considers draft budget and transmits comments thereon to Finance Committee.

6. Prior to the Finance Committee’s last meeting before the April Board meeting, Personnel Committee, within the limits of the approved salary adjustment pool and considering staff evaluations prepared or assembled by the Minister, develops and transmits to Finance Committee individual salary adjustment figures for each paid staff member.

7. Taking account of inputs from 6 and 7 above and any additional inputs from other committees or staff members, Finance Committee develops final proposed budget.

8. At its April meeting, Board ratifies final proposed budget, either as presented or with modifications, for submittal to the congregation.

9. At the Annual Meeting, Finance Committee presents proposed budget for congregational approval.

Budget Meeting
Budget Overview - Zoom/Online

Email for the Zoom link.

Building a New Way
Building a New Way: Youth and Adult Reflections on General Assembly 2015
Building a Peace System

Blase Bonpane, Director and Chief Executive Officer of Office of the Americas, writes about his sermon, "Nation states have been part of an international war system for centuries. For over a hundred years a system of international peace has been under construction. Our task is to make that peace system operative."

Building Bridges

UU Young Adults walk between worlds in many ways. What do our congregations stand to gain by recognizing ministry to 18 to 35-year-olds as a vital part of their mission? We'll also celebrate the young adulthood of this year's graduating high school seniors in a special Bridging Ceremony.