
April, 2004

An Evening of Classical Music with Dean Voegtlen

On March 7 the Music Committee and the Faith in Action Commission jointly sponsoreda benefit concert of classical music in our sanctuary. It featured the RussianString Quartet performing Haydn, Bach, and Brahms, with Dean Voegtlenjoining the group for Brahms’ Clarinet Quintet, Opus 115 (see photo below).

Why is an evening of classical music a topic for this column? First, it demonstratesthe power of teamwork in helping our community. Several years ago, we choseto work more closely with StepUp on Second. This is a wonderful institution that works to reintegrateindividuals with severe and persistent mental illness back into society. Wehelp this group in a variety of ways. For example, Lyn Armondo and a team of50 volunteers provide a monthly meal for the residents of Step Up on Second.Now, thanks to the teamwork of Faith in Action, the Music Committee, and ourGenerous Congregation program, we raised $729 for this worthy cause.

The second reasonis personal. I would like to recognize Dean Voegtlen for 40 years of serviceto our church. Dean has served two separate terms as president of our congregation,initially in the 1970s and more recently in the early 1990s. He is known forhis passionate love of music and dedication to our music program. His love ofmusic was kindled by clarinet lessons in the 4th grade. He sustained this interestand was the winner of an all-state solo competition in high school. He laterstudied music at Wayne State University and studied with Angel del Busto ofthe Julliard School Woodwind Department. However, he was not destined to bea professional musician. His career was engineering, but music has been hispassion.

Our community has benefited enormously from Dean’s love of music. Hewas the prime mover in obtaining our organ and a key member of the committeethat found and purchased our Steinway piano. He has been a major financial donorto our music programs, and he was responsible for making our recent concerta charity event for Step Up on Second. Our church covenant calls for us to “dwelltogether in peace” and it states that “service is our prayer.”Dean Voegtlen’s contributions to our community are a demonstration of“faith in action.”

Charles Haskell, Chair, Faith in Action Commission

April, 2004

An Evening of Classical Music with Dean Voegtlen

On March 7 the Music Committee and the Faith in Action Commission jointly sponsored a benefit concert of classical music in our sanctuary. It featured the Russian String Quartet performing Haydn, Bach, and Brahms, with Dean Voegtlen joining the group for Brahms’ Clarinet Quintet, Opus 115 (see photo below).

April, 2005

Personal Stories from the Marriage Equality Express

Interweave, our church’s group for bisexuals, gays, lesbians, and transgenders (including their friends and allies) presented a wonderful program on marriage equality in our sanctuary on Sunday afternoon, March 13. It featured two participants (see photo) from a cross-country bus tour last October that brought the stories of same-sex couples and their struggle for civil rights to 10 American cities.

April, 2005

Personal Stories from the Marriage Equality Express

Interweave, our church's group for bisexuals, gays, lesbians, and transgenders(including their friends and allies) presented a wonderful program on marriageequality in our sanctuary on Sunday afternoon, March 13. It featured two participants(see photo) from a cross-country bus tour last October that brought the storiesof same-sex couples and their struggle for civil rights to 10 American cities.

Among the riders on this marriage equality express were two UU ministers, manysame-sex couples whose marriages were voided, parents supporting their childrenhaving the right to marry, a woman who lost her home to taxes after her partnerdied, and a member of the armed forces who was willing to forfeit her pensionby coming out.

Iam proud that our welcoming congregation presents Terri Fabris and Roberta Conroyspoke on March 13 of their participation in October's Marriage Equality Express.The program was sponsored by Interweave. Details are in the FIA column. programsof such high caliber and importance. Church members and friends interested inworking to support same-sex marriage are encouraged to contact Judy Federick,the leader of our Interweave group. In addition, the UU Legislative MinistryCalifornia website providesa wealth of information for possible action in support of this important religiousissue, especially through the promotion of AB19, California's Religious Freedomand Civil Marriage Protection Act.

The continuing importance of this issue is reflected in the headline news onMarch 15. A Superior Court judge has ruled that laws prohibiting same sex marriageare unconstitutional in the state of California. This decision is still subjectto review by the California Supreme Court and it will undoubtedly stimulateefforts at the national level to promote a constitutional amendment banningsame-sex marriage. It is up to each of us to study and act on this religiousissue.

-Charles Haskell Chair, Faith in Action Commission

April, 2009

On Sunday, April 5, Roy Zimmerman will be ourguest musician at both the 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. services.Roy has been writing satirical songs for 20 years workingin the comedic tradition of Tom Lehrer and the folktradition of Phil Ochs. He is a wonderful performer,nationally known, and often plays at UU churchesaround the country. If you want to hear more, Roy willbe playing at McCabe's Guitar Shop in Santa Monicathat same Sunday from 2 to 4 p.m. In the meantime,you can check Roy and his music at

The Louis Durra Trio will be performing April 26 at7 p.m. in the Sanctuary. A reception will follow. Towhet your appetite, here are a few musical thoughtsfrom our very own Mr. Durra:

"Steve Wight once said to me, "Did you ever noticethat the golden age of songwriting was whenever theperson talking was sixteen?" I came up with aneclectic-listening family and music education -classical music, Motown, Big Bands, Santana,The Beatles - were all in the air around me as a smallchild. My horizons became vastly broader when I"grewed up" and was performing all of the time.

"One of the coolest things (ah, yes, coolest - that'sthe technical term) about playing at Ye Olde UUCCSMis the open-nessivity , even demand. for performing inmany different realms of music. Between what thesoloists bring to the first service, Steve's choices andarrangements for the choir, and topical requests forthe services - the musical styles have spread around400 years pretty thick. With the other music going inthat many directions, I'm encouraged to make eclecticchoices for the prelude music. Last week 20th centuryHungarian composer Bela Bart

April, 2011

UUs March Against the Wars

Iraq March photoOn March 19 — the eighth anniversary of the US invasion of Iraq — 10 people from our church (and possibly more who didn’t find us) joined thousands of others in a rally and march in Hollywood. The march demanded US withdrawal from Iraq and Afghanistan. We marched with the Martin Luther King Coalition for Jobs, Justice and Peace.

April, 2011

UUs March Against the Wars

Iraq March photoOn March 19 - the eighth anniversary of the USinvasion of Iraq - 10 people from our church (and possibly more who didn't find us) joined thousands of others in a rally and march in Hollywood. The marchdemanded US withdrawal from Iraq and Afghanistan.We marched with the Martin Luther King Coalition forJobs, Justice and Peace. UUs from other churches-LongBeach for one-were attracted to our UUCCSM banner.Church member Kerry Thorne found the five of us whohad come by bus and told us that his wife, CicelyGilman, had made the banner years ago.

In the photo, l to r: Carol Allen, Roberta Frye, KerryThorne, his friend Robin, Amy Thiel, Patrick Meighan,and their children. Also present were Joan Verdon, PeggyRhoads and Rick Rhoads. If you'd like to be on the Peace& Social Justice Committee e-mail list, please contactRoberta Frye or Rick Rhoads (



Immigration as a Moral Issue

Delegates at the 2010 General Assembly in Minneapolis, MN, selected "Immigration as a Moral Issue"to be the 2010-2014 Congregational Study/Action Issue(CSAI) of the Unitarian Universalist Association of Congregations. Please join members of the Faith In ActionCommission in cooperation with Adult Programs Committee in a series of workshops on immigration. Theywill take place on Wednesdays, April 13 and 27; May 11and 25; and June 8 and 29, between 7:30 and 9:00 p.m.Topics include a brief history of immigration, economics, detention and security, who benefits from a brokensystem, and the last session will be a report on how thisissue was discussed at GA. Please look for more specificinformation in the weekly announcements.


Peace & Social Justice Offers Workshop Against the Wars on May 21

Our Peace & Social Justice Committee ( P S J ) ,together with a member of the Fullerton UU Social Justice Committee, is offering a workshop at the UU PacificSouthwest District Assembly (DA) May 21 entitled,"Organize Your Congregation to End the Wars In Iraqand Afghanistan." The DA will take place at Neighborhood UU Church in Pasadena Friday, May 20, throughSaturday, May 21.

The workshop description is as follows: "In May2010 UU Community Church of Santa Monica passed acongregational resolution demanding a prompt USwithdrawal from Iraq and Afghanistan. Together withother UUs we proposed a similar Action of ImmediateWitness at General Assembly. The AIW received over50% of the vote, although not the two-thirds necessaryfor passage. As far as we know no other UU churches atGA had passed such resolutions. This workshop will helpand inspire you to organize locally against the wars,leading towards a denominational resolution in 2011 or2012. A short version of the movie

Arbitrage: Lying for the Greater Good

This recent film starring Richard Gere raises ethical and spiritual issues about truth-telling, and its shadow side, lying.  Our Statement of Principles encourages a “search for truth,” but are there times when telling a lie does serve the greater good?  And even if that is true, does that justify lying?  A recent book on dishonesty talks about “moral flexibility,” so this sermon will explore just how limber can we become and still maintain integrity.

Are the Children Well?
Are YoUU a Superhero? (Multigenerational Justice Service)
“I'm here to fight for truth, justice and the American way.” - Superman
Is Superman a Unitarian Universalist? Who are our superheros and just what is it that makes one a superhero? Is it possible that as we work together to create a world that turns aside from racism, violence, dehumanization, and disregard for suffering that we too can be superheros?
[Note: no audio recording is available for this service.]
Arise All Women!

[Unfortunately, no audio recording is available for this service.]