April, 2005
Personal Stories from the Marriage Equality Express
Interweave, our church's group for bisexuals, gays, lesbians, and transgenders(including their friends and allies) presented a wonderful program on marriageequality in our sanctuary on Sunday afternoon, March 13. It featured two participants(see photo) from a cross-country bus tour last October that brought the storiesof same-sex couples and their struggle for civil rights to 10 American cities.
Among the riders on this marriage equality express were two UU ministers, manysame-sex couples whose marriages were voided, parents supporting their childrenhaving the right to marry, a woman who lost her home to taxes after her partnerdied, and a member of the armed forces who was willing to forfeit her pensionby coming out.
Iam proud that our welcoming congregation presents Terri Fabris and Roberta Conroyspoke on March 13 of their participation in October's Marriage Equality Express.The program was sponsored by Interweave. Details are in the FIA column. programsof such high caliber and importance. Church members and friends interested inworking to support same-sex marriage are encouraged to contact Judy Federick,the leader of our Interweave group. In addition, the UU Legislative MinistryCalifornia website providesa wealth of information for possible action in support of this important religiousissue, especially through the promotion of AB19, California's Religious Freedomand Civil Marriage Protection Act.
The continuing importance of this issue is reflected in the headline news onMarch 15. A Superior Court judge has ruled that laws prohibiting same sex marriageare unconstitutional in the state of California. This decision is still subjectto review by the California Supreme Court and it will undoubtedly stimulateefforts at the national level to promote a constitutional amendment banningsame-sex marriage. It is up to each of us to study and act on this religiousissue.
-Charles Haskell Chair, Faith in Action Commission