
Adult R/E - Last Hours of Life

Last Hours of Life: It's All About Love








Inspiration, Encouragement, Information

Join us for a powerful opportunity to learn how to be present for someone at the transitional moment of death. Identify the skills to apply at that time in order to help everyone involved.

            Its all about love.

Friday (talk)Gain ideas of what you can do to make safe this passage. Find ways to care, to deeply reassure, talk as though heard, to touch and to hold. Hear stories that you may begin to find your own special way to be there, to deeply value life, to be a guiding presence through the dying.

Saturday (workshop)Through various creative processes and sharing, you will learn techniques to comfortably be there for a loved one.(Bring your journals,some pages of blank paper,and twocoloredfelt-tipped pens.Pizza will be ordered but your welcome to bring food to share!)Early RSVP suggested as there is limit of 30.

Presenters: Beth Rendeiro and Cassandra Christenson, RN

Friday, October 27th,7am-9pm  

RSVP here:

or email,

Suggested Donation: $5.00

No one turned away for lack of funds.

Saturday October 28th, 10am-4pm   Separate RSVP site here for limit of 30: email,

Suggested Donation for Saturday: $25.00

No one turned away for lack of funds.

Location Unitarian Universalist Community Church

1260 18th Street, Santa Monica, CA

Childcare is available without charge with prior request, Free parking available on Friday, October 27th at the UCLA Structure located at 1311 16th Street (Tell them you are attending an event at the UU Church of Santa Monica)

FOR INFORMATION call Cassandra, (424)280-4268 or



Adult R/E - Last Hours of Life

Last Hours of Life: It's All About Love








It’s all about love. Be inspired and uplifted, as you learn to guide another through the last hours of dying, to reassure, and make safe the passage. Receive a variety of ideas to draw upon that you may be at the bedside with deep respect and love.

Friday evening there will be a talk and small group discussion. Gain comfort and ease to be there for another through interactive, hands-on experience and sharing at the workshop on Saturday .

Most of us will have this powerful opportunity to be present for someone at the transitional moment of death. Having skills and understanding to apply at that time helps everyone involved.

We invite you to one or both of this two-part event presented by Beth Rendeiro and Cassandra Christenson, who is an RN in transitional nursing.

Friday, October 27,7-9pm RSVP here:

Suggested Donation for Friday: $5 (No one turned away)

Saturday October 28, 10-4pm RSVP Here:

Suggested Donation for Saturday: $25 (No one turned away)

Childcare is available without charge with prior request, Parking availabe on Friday, October 27th at the UCLA Structure located at 1311 16th Street (Tell them you are attending an event at the UU Church of Santa Monica)

More information: Cassandra and Beth will take your through this evening of inspiring, reassuring exploration of what to do and say to gentle another through the process of letting go. Come be with us in sacred space, learn of this profound, often tedious, and extraordinary time of life that you and the one dying, need not be alone.

In the morning we will gather in a circle of 12 to find our own personal way to be there for another.  Begin to heal, be encouraged.  Bring your journals, and book of blank paper, two favorite markers to write with, and food to share for lunch. Pizza will be ordered.

Together we will create a warm, loving environment to more fully understand what we personally would wish to do for someone we love at one of their most times of life. 



Adult R/E - Summer Common Read & Discussion Group: Thank God for Evolution
Adult R/E - Summer Film Series "Standing for the Future" featuring Michael Dowd

Who is Michael Dowd? Learn all about "Rev. Reality" in this New Hamshire Public Television Documentary: "One-on-One with Dowd," (27 min).

In this film, the Reverend Dowd shares his thoughts about God and evolution with New Hampshire Outlook's Phil Vaughn at the Quaker Meeting House in Dover. The Reverend Michael Dowd is an Evolutionary Christian who has received accolades from Nobel laureates and theologians alike. Along with his wife, Connie Barlow, Dowd travels the country evangelizing what he describes as the marriage of Jesus and Darwin. 

The second film of the evening will be "The Future Is Calling Us To Greatness," (17 min). This film focuses on a worldwide movement emerging at the nexus of science, inspiration, and sustainability. What unites us is a pool of shared values and commitments—and the vision of a just and healthy future for humanity and the larger body of life. 

Adult R/E - The Fifth UU Principle Meets BYOT Ethics

Building Your Own Theology III: Ethics

In this course, Gilbert’s model has the self connecting to a system of ethics- the system that you use to choose how to act in your relationships with yourself and others.
Some questions are: Who Am I? To Whom and to What Am I Related? Within what communities do you identify yourself and how do those identities affect your life, your beliefs, your choices?  Does who you are make a difference in what you believe?
These are the kinds of questions we will ask you to consider during this course. You do not need to be sure of your answers, we only ask that you consider the questions and answer as best as you can with what you believe in this moment.

Leon Henderson-MacLennan- Facilitator


Adult R/E Committee
Adult R/E Committee Meeting
Adult R/E Meeting
Adult RE - Book Discussion Group
Adult RE - Book Discussion Group

"Sapiens:  A Brief History of Humankind"

Adult RE - "A Year to Live" by Rev Greg
Registration is closed. No late sign ups. This class is full. 
This is a class for those who are tired of waiting around for their “real life” to start. It is a class that will jump start us out of our ruts, our avoidance, our fears, our unrealistic fantasies and propel us into more ac-ceptance, more focus, more intentional, more accountability and surround us with people who will love us into the people we’ve always wanted to be.
Adult RE - "Can We make Room Enough for Love?"
Come to a one-day workshop where participants will be able to explore their questions, cultural overlays, attitudes and assumptions about love, loving relationships, marriage and monogamy.  How can “stand on the side of love” with people whose relationships don’t fit the societal norms? We will support people in non-mainstream relationships to feel empowered to “come out” in their communities, including their church community.  Be prepared for a day of critically examining your ideas, learning from others, and maybe being exposed to a wider variety of love and loving relationships than you ever considered before. Come share your views and experiences with others in a safe, intimate atmosphere of inquiry and support.
Facilitators: Ian Dodd, Margot Page and Beth Rendeiro, UUCCSM’s OWL coordinator
Sign-up at the RE Table in Forbes Hall after both services or by emailing Ian with questions or rsvps to: