Listening for Love |
Listening is an Act of Love
When we listen with open hearts, avoiding response or judgment, we can learn more than we imagined. At the same time, we are giving the gift of unconditional love.
Listening with the Heart (Online Service)![]()
Have you ever wished that someone would just stop talking and LISTEN to you? Have you ever felt you were listening to someone but even though you understood the words, you were missing the meaning? Sometimes rather than listening with your ears and processing with your brain, you need to listen with your heart and take in the meaning of the message THERE. Heart Tones. Heart Songs. Heart Sounds. When should you shift from the head to the heart? How can you use both head and heart? Approaching the speaker with the appropriate Listening Attitude is the key to listening as a spiritual practice. Listening with your heart. Wholly Listening. Holy Listening.
Live for Today...or Tomorrow? How can we live fully in the present, when global warming, war, and a variety of threats to our well-being affect us every day? |
Live Like a UU What demands does our Unitarian Universalist faith place on us? What does it mean to live like a UU? Not what you might think. |
Live Simply, So That Others May Simply Live Ed Begley is an actor and environmentalist. His new book is Living with Ed . Chalice Lighting Remarks by Lisa Cahill |
Livin' on a Prayer
Prayer is synonymous with religious communities. But how might we, as UUs of many different beliefs, connect with prayer in our own lives and in our congregations? Looking to the natural world as our guide, this sermon will investigate how prayer, in its many forms, can be a transformative practice of paying attention in our daily lives.
Liz Murphy is the Intern Minister at Throop Unitarian Universalist Church in Pasadena.
Living in the Future
Rev. Rebecca's last full sermon from our pulpit, which will conclude her ongoing series on leave-taking with reflections on her seven years at UUCCSM.
Living on the Edge |
Living Our Faith Ingathering Sunday (two services at 930 and 1100 a.m.) We observe our fall ingathering with a celebration of our living tradition what does it mean to live by our faith today? We will also dedicate the teachers in our Religious Education program. The choir sings at both services. |
Living the Questions, Loving the Questions |
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