
Lets Do Art
Letters to the Board Communications Policy
Approved by the Board of Directors 09-12-17
1. Any communication directed at the Board, any member of the Board or regarding any employee of the Church shall be logged in to a spreadsheet kept by the Administrator of the Church. This log will be kept in a confidential manner and can only be viewed by the Minister, the personnel committee and the executive board. At no time will this log be made available on email and can only be reviewed by the above persons, upon reasonable request to the Administrator, in the office.
2. If the communication pertains to a personnel issue, not involving the minister, the minister will be promptly advised as will the executive committee. The personnel committee will review such letter and determine if further action is needed or warranted. Note: There are established procedures in the personnel policy for handling such concerns. Employees of the Church have certain rights and privileges regarding their privacy which should be protected.
3. If the communication pertains to any other matter, it shall be logged in per above, and then referred, initially to the executive committee for review. The Executive committee will make recommendations and/or decisions if the communication should be referred to one or more other groups, task forces or committees or if the executive committee should respond.
Example of issues which might be referred to other groups/task forces or committees;
1. A question about Religious education programming.
Refer to LRE Committee and DRE
2. A concern about conflict.
Refer to Right Relations
3. Financial concerns, including budget questions or concerns.
Refer to Treasurer
4. Concern regarding building maintenance, equipment, facilities.
Refer to FDC Co Chairs
5. A concern about Music, the choir or music content.
Refer to the DOM/Music Committee
The Secretary of the board shall ensure that if the matter is referred to another committee, person or group that a) the inquiry is acknowledged immediately and that b) the group, task force or persons responds to the concern within 30 days of the date of receipt. Further that any response indicates to the person making the inquiry what the next step is, if any, if they are not satisfied with the response that they receive. A copy of any response will be given to the Board for review. A copy of any response shall also be given to the Administrator who will log the date and a one line statement of the response in the confidential log.
If the concern pertains to a church wide, or Board matter, then the Executive committee shall a) acknowledge the receipt of the concern b) bring such matter to the Board at the next Board meeting for Board review and/or input. c) the Secretary of the Board shall ensure that the Board timely responds to the inquiry within 30 days.
At times there may be a matter which is truly an urgent or emergency matter. At such times the executive committee may ask that the inquiry or concern be responded to in less than thirty days.
For every inquiry made it shall be logged and kept track of as stated above.
Levels of Standing

Approved by the Board of Directors May 10, 2005; revision approved July 11, 2006

  Requirements Benefits
Member Has signed a membership application, which has been presented to the Board of Directors. Is entitled to vote at all congregational business meetings (after a waiting period of 40 days).
  Is at least 16 years of age or has completed the Coming of Age program. Receives preferred admission to limited-attendance Church activities.
  Resides within the Pacific Southwest District of the Unitarian Universalist Association. [Includes Southern California (San Luis Obispo and south), Arizona and Southern Nevada (Las Vegas).] Is listed in the Church Directory.
  During the first calendar year of membership, has made a financial contribution of record, or a pledge to do so, within that year. In subsequent calendar years, has made a financial contribution of record during that year or prior to the January 21 of the following year. Receives the Church Newsletter and other general mailings. Receives the UU World magazine. Receives a name tag.
Friend (A non-member who) has made a contribution of record of at least $100, or a pledge to do so, within the preceding 12 months. Is listed in the Church Directory. Receives the Church Newsletter and other general mailings. May request a free name tag.
Subscriber Has paid the established subscription fee. Receives the Church Newsletter and other general mailings for a 12-month period.
Guest Has entered name and address in the Guest Book or has otherwise indicated a desire to receive Church mailings. Receives the Church Newsletter and announcements by e-mail.



Liberation Through Surrender
While perseverance (not giving up on ourselves and each other) is clearly the call of these times, knowing when and what to surrender in the process can make all the difference in our individual and collective liberation.
The Rev. Stefanie Etzbach-Dale returns to this pulpit, where she was ordained in 2005, as affiliated UU Church of Palo Alto Community Minister. After serving various congregations in the Pacific Southwest District and Pacific Central District, she is currently building a private and small group practice ( as a Spiritual Director: fostering Spiritual Courage in a Disruptive World. She believes this involves deep reverence for the complexity of the human experience and the imperative of personal and societal transformation. As an artist and student of esoteric studies, Rev. Stefanie strives to weave holy curiosity, expressive arts, humor, reverence, magic, and inspiration into all that she does.
Life by the Ocean

Ingathering of the new interim minister, the Rev Roberta Haskin, and the congregation. Bring along a small shell to give away.

Life Is an Odyssey

Learning to tell the story of our lives is a healing and spiritual practice. Not only do we understand ourselves that way, but we discover the larger patterns and meanings in life. You are invited to a community dialogue on this sermon topic Wednesday, March 31, from 7 to 830 p.m. in Forbes Hall. Music Sara Andon, flute

Life Is Hard

A humor essay in a recent issue of The New Yorker cited a fictional 1200-page research study proving that life is hard. So hard, in fact, that life is actually worse than most living beings can stand. Some days that is not too far from the truth. Is there anything we can do about it? (This sermon was originally scheduled for January 26.) Today is a Membership Sunday. Those who are ready to join the church may sign the Membership Book after the service. Music Rivka Gottlieb, Harp

Life's Compromises, Great and Small

Sometimes a good, artfully created compromise offers a better resolution than anything we might have argued or imagined in the beginning. Why is that? Does it have spiritual implications?

Lifespan RE - Orientation Luncheon & Ice-Cream Social
Lifespan RE / AAHS Event - Michael Dowd: "The Future is Calling Us to Greatness"
Lifespan RE Committee

The Lifespan RE Committee oversees all aspects of religious exploration at UUCCSM.  Members of the committee oversee:

  • Children’s RE
  • Youth Programs
  • Multigenerational Programs

For more information about our program offerings or to volunteer to be one of the more than 70 members of UUCCSM who help make our programs possible by serving as committee members, teachers, advisors, facilitators, assistants, event planners, or task-oriented “worker bees,” contact our Director of Religious Education, at or 310-829-5436 x105.

Lifespan RE Committee