FIA - Spirit of the Sixties: Then and Now

On Saturday, March 3rd at 5PM, photojournalist and peace activist Francesco Da Vinci will offer a talk and multimedia presentation about his struggle as a Conscientious Objector during the Vietnam War, hosted by the Peace & Social Justice Committee. He is currently producing a documentary film about his story, the lessons of the 1960s and how they can be applied to today’s divided America. Discussion will follow the presentation. 

Date / Time: 
Saturday, March 3, 2018 - 5:00pm - 7:00pm
Contact Name: 
James Witker

February, 2018

Explore the Vibrant Colors and Themes of Painter Stacy Diehl’s Works

diehl1.jpgPlease join us for our February Art Wall Opening Reception on Sunday, February 4 from 12:00 to 1:30 pm. Explore the vibrant colors and (sometimes) familiar images of painter Stacy Diehl, an extremely prolific painter who rediscovered her passion for painting and never looked back. The show will run until February 25.

The year was 1998, and Stacy Diehl was feeling vaguely dissatisfied. A mentor sensed that Diehl was an artist at heart and recommended that Diehl do “The Artist’s Way,” Julia Cameron’s workbook for unblocking creativity. It was during “reading deprivation week” that Diehl rediscovered painting. Cameron encourages students to avoid reading and suggests alternatives, including painting. Diehl pulled out some old acrylic paints from her youth and started to paint. Of her first painting during this time, Diehl says, “It wasn’t ‘good,’ but I was hooked. Looking at it now, I see it’s simply unfinished. I kept painting and gradually figured out how to manipulate paint into the images I wanted to see.”

In that first year, Diehl painted 38 paintings. Nearly 20 years later, she estimates that she has completed 300 paintings.

As is evident from her works, Diehl loves color. “The more, the better,” she says. Pets are also a favorite subject. “It brings me pleasure to capture their likenesses and, hopefully, essences on canvas.” Diehl’s specialty is custom paintings - commissions from photos (cats, dogs, kids, airplanes, golf courses, gardens, sunsets, etc.). The paintings make meaningful gifts; people adore art based on what they love. Says Diehl, “Art is supposed to make you feel something, and I think my paintings do that. I enjoy collaborating with customers to help them choose great photos on which to base their paintings.”

Contact Our Art Director, Beverly Alison for further info about this show or about exhibiting on our Art Wall. 

Heart and Soul: A Contemplative Worship Service - "What Does It Mean to be a Community of Perseverance?"

Sunday, February 11, 2018 - 5:00pm
Kikanza Nuri-Robins, Karen Hsu Patterson and Joyce Holmen
Heart & Soul is a monthly contemplative worship service series that occurs on the second Sunday of each month. It is designed to be a shorter, more intimate service, with singing and instrumental music, statements and questions, silence and sharing. Each service is developed around a monthly ministry theme. Readings, poems, quotes, and music are drawn from a variety of sources, including the UU Soul Matters Sharing Circle, our hymnals, and popular/folk music.
Audio is unavailable for this service. 

Church Office is closed in observance of Presidents' Day

Date / Time: 
Monday, February 19, 2018 - 9:00am - 5:00pm

D4$ - "Motown Magic" Concert

Travel back in time to the 50’s, 60’s and 70’s to the music that was released under the Motown label.
If you did not already sign up for this event during our Dining for Dollars auction, you can still come - there will be tickets at the door. Dining for Dollars will also have a table set up in Forbes this Sunday after the service to sell tickets.
Suggested donation: $20.
All proceeds will benefit the Church Operating Budget.
Contact: Cynthia Kelly, 
Date / Time: 
Saturday, June 9, 2018 - 7:00pm - 9:00pm
Contact Name: 
Cynthia Kelly
Kim Miller

Adult RE: Humanist Voices in UU Discussion Group

Join Adult RE as we read and discuss this new and remarkable little volume of thought-provoking, inspiring, and heart-warming essays that just might challenge your view of Humanism -- whether you consider yourself a Humanist or not. Contributors represent a range of viewpoints and include luminaries of Secular Humanism and Unitarian Universalism such as Edd Doerr, Michael Werner, Chris Stedman, Rev. David Bumbaugh, Rev. Kendyl Gibbons, and Rev. William Murry. 
From the publisher:
“In this highly anticipated collection, Unitarian Universalist Humanists present their faith perspectives in 23 engaging and thought-provoking essays. The contributors, both lay and ordained, demonstrate why Humanism has been one of the bedrock theologies of Unitarian Universalism for the last hundred years. They reflect on what it means to be a religious Humanist today and how they see the movement evolving in the twenty-first century. They explore Humanist history, beliefs, approach to life, social justice, community, and religious education. Together, these voices proclaim a passionate affirmation of a rich and dynamic tradition within Unitarian Universalism.”
The first 40 pages are available as a free preview on Google:
Contact James Witker at 
Date / Time: 
Saturday, February 3, 2018 - 4:30pm - 6:30pm
Contact Name: 
James Witker

Adult RE - Book discussion "Humanist Voices in Unitarian Universalism"

Join Adult RE as we read and discuss this new and remarkable little volume of thought-provoking, inspiring, and heart-warming essays that just might challenge your view of Humanism -- whether you consider yourself a Humanist or not. Contributors represent a range of viewpoints and include luminaries of Secular Humanism and Unitarian Universalism such as Edd Doerr, Michael Werner, Chris Stedman, Rev. David Bumbaugh, Rev. Kendyl Gibbons, and Rev. William Murry. 
From the publisher:
“In this highly anticipated collection, Unitarian Universalist Humanists present their faith perspectives in 23 engaging and thought-provoking essays. The contributors, both lay and ordained, demonstrate why Humanism has been one of the bedrock theologies of Unitarian Universalism for the last hundred years. They reflect on what it means to be a religious Humanist today and how they see the movement evolving in the twenty-first century. They explore Humanist history, beliefs, approach to life, social justice, community, and religious education. Together, these voices proclaim a passionate affirmation of a rich and dynamic tradition within Unitarian Universalism.”
The first 40 pages are available as a free preview on Google:
Contact James Witker at 
Date / Time: 
Thursday, February 8, 2018 - 7:00pm - 9:00pm
Contact Name: 
James Witker

FIA/Green Committee - watch party

I’ve been fighting climate change my entire adult life. But in 2017, the crisis hit home for me -- literally -- when wildfires ripped through the hills of my hometown, Sonoma, California. Each night as the fires burned, I went to sleep afraid of what might be destroyed when I awoke.
Meanwhile, the Trump administration still rams forward on a path of destruction. Earlier this month, they announced plans to open up our entire coastline to offshore oil drilling. This administration is not going to see the light. It’s up to us to make it ourselves. 
On January 31, we’re sharing a bold vision for climate justice at an event we’re calling Fossil Free Fast. Tune in and figure out what your role in this fight can be -- find (or host) a watch party near you here.
Our demands are simple and clear: an immediate halt to all new fossil fuel projects, and a fast and just transition to 100% renewable energy for all. 
The fires in Sonoma this fall destroyed a great deal of the landscape I call home, but it also ignited something else in the community. Friends and family tell me that local climate organizing has never been more active. 
Our resistance is everywhere -- in towns, cities, and states across the country who are taking climate action despite federal stalling and backpedaling. In 2018, it’s time to look to our own communities to create the renewable energy revolution we so desperately need. 
There are over 215 Fossil Free Fast watch parties happening across the US next Wednesday. Sign up here to join or host a watch party and plug in to the climate resistance in 2018 (and beyond).
Climate change threatens the very idea of home, whether we live in San Juan, Sonoma, or Bangladesh. We are all impacted by climate change, but we are not impacted equally: economic inequality, racism, and other social injustices compound climate disasters. 
But through our collective power, we can protect and transform communities that have been hit hardest by climate disasters. The work will look different from place to place, but our goal will be the same: a Fossil Free world for all of us.
Let’s get to work. Join me, Bernie Sanders, Bill McKibben, Tara Rodriguez Besosa, Jameka Hodnett, and many other movement leaders and fighters at Fossil Free Fast on January 31.
Date / Time: 
Wednesday, January 31, 2018 - 5:00pm - 7:00pm

AAHS Meeting

AAHS: Following our Fourth Principle, “a free and responsible search for truth and meaning,” we are continuing our series examining each of the letters in our name — Atheist, Agnostic, Humanist, Secularist and Skeptic.  AAHS is a group dedicated to creating a welcoming place for non-theists within the Unitarian Universalist Community Church of Santa Monica and in the wider community. AAHS welcomes all who want to connect with like-minded people and who share our interests and our curiosity about the diverse world of free-thought ideas and issues. Each meeting will have a presentation of the subject and why this philosophical stance is of interest to freethinkers, followed by a Q&A and discussion. Come to learn, to share, and to discuss. For more info, contact


Date / Time: 
Sunday, January 28, 2018 - 1:30pm - 3:00pm
Contact Name: 
Ian Dodd

Worship Associates Meeting

Date / Time: 
Tuesday, February 20, 2018 - 7:00pm - 8:30pm
Contact Name: 
Rev. Greg