Dia de los Muertos
If the SHU Fits: Play Exposes Torture of Solitary Confinement
The U.S. system of mass incarceration came under solemn scrutiny Saturday Sept. 27 when UUCCSM presented a dramatic reading of “If the SHU Fits”, by Andy Griggs and Melvin Ishmael Johnson. The play is based on original letters and poetry from inmates living in Security Housing Units (SHUs), mainly in California’s Pelican Bay Prison, in which they spend 23 hours a day in solitary confinement. The play was commissioned by the National Religious Campaign Against Torture (NRCAT) and Interfaith Communities Untied for Justice and Peace (ICUJP), and partially funded by a grant from the Fund for a Just Society of the Unitarian Universalist Association.
The evening was sponsored by UUCCSM’s Peace and Social Justice Committee and by the Committee for Racial Justice in Santa Monica. The eight readers came from a variety of backgrounds but a unity of purpose: to see an end to the growing mass incarceration of working class people, particularly people of color. The readers were Paula Brooks, Bob Gordh, Kevin Michael Key, Rev. Sidonie Smith, Anthony Taylor, Sherri Walker, Craig Walter, and Dayvon Williams. They were directed by Morna Murphy Martell, a member of UUCCSM, with assistance from Diana Spears and Peggy Rhoads.
Following the reading, a panel of speakers from organizations involved in fighting against the continuance of this legal torture discussed their current efforts in prison reform, including incarceration in immigration detention centers, and how our communities can help. The speakers included Andy Griggs, ICUJP; Melvin Ishmael Johnson, Director, Dramastage Qumran; Geri Silva and Ernest Shepard, California Families Against Solitary Confinement; Mary Sutton, Critical Resistance and CURB; Diana Zuniga, Californians United for a Responsible Budget (CURB); Kay Brown, Los de Abajo Printmaking Collective, from our Art Wall exhibit, "Behind Bars;" and Nora Hamilton, UUCC Faith in Action Peace & Social Justice Committee.
Thanks to Sidonie Smith for her painting “Miscarriage of Justice”, to James Witker for filming, Bob Dietz and Karl Lisovsky for tech support, Tom Ahern for logistical support and to the members of the Peace and Social Justice Committee who facilitated the evening. To contact PSJ and become involved in our work, please email co-chairs Cathie Gentile or Roberta Frye. You can also obtain information at the Faith in Action table at church.
Further information on solitary confinement can be found at
http://audio.theguardian.tv/audio/kip/standalone/world/1334585861759/5478/gdn.ps.120416.hermanwallace.mp3 and http://www.hrw.org/features/growing-up-locked-down.
-- Peggy Rhoads
Art Wall Reception - Closing
Small Group Ministry - Labyrinth Fun Day
Heart and Soul Worship - Alternative Worship
Update on Central American Children Migrants
The Green Committee - Town Hall Meeting
The Green Committee will be hosting a Town Hall Meeting on the Design of the Arizona Courtyard on Sunday November 9 at 1pm in the Sanctuary.
Discussion will include: 1) Drought tolerant plants for the landscape design
2) Landscape concepts from Keith Ludowitz for the Arizona Memory Garden/Courtyard
3) Hardscape features and integration with Anderson Courtyard
4) Activities and design features.
All members are invited to attend and contribute their ideas for the courtyard design.
For more information, contact Alison Kendall at alison@kendallplanning.com
One Man Show on Thomas Paine
Knitters and Friends Annual Holiday Bazaar
In Forbes Hall after both services. Beautiful handmade items from KNITTERS AND FRIENDS. 100% will be donated to UUCC. Come do your holiday shopping and help our church!! Contact Karen Patch with questions.
Art Wall Opening Reception - Maija Beeton
Maija Beeton: The CEL ART Project