RE - Bake Sale

Date / Time: 
Sunday, September 10, 2017 - 11:00am - 1:00pm
Contact Name: 
Kathleen Hogue

RE - Karaoke and Cocktails Heart to Heart Fundraiser - EVENT CANCELLED

Date / Time: 
Friday, October 13, 2017 - 7:00pm - 9:00pm
Contact Name: 
Kathleen Hogue

Whole Church Event - RE Orientation / Ice Cream Social

Date / Time: 
Sunday, September 24, 2017 - 12:00pm - 1:00pm
Contact Name: 
Kathleen Hogue

Whole Church Event - RE Orientation / Ice Cream Social

Date / Time: 
Sunday, September 24, 2017 - 10:00am - 11:00am
Contact Name: 
Kathleen Hogue

Sacred Music Event - Cancelled

Date / Time: 
Sunday, September 17, 2017 - 6:00pm - 9:00pm
Contact Name: 
Dr. Zanaida Robles

Right Relations Covenant Workshop

We hope that all members of our UUSM community will take part in this Saturday's Covenant Workshop 
from 9am-noon in the Sanctuary,  with coffee and light breakfast starting at 8:30am. 
This workshop, facilitated by our Right Relations consultant Nancy Edmundson, is an opportunity to shape our UUSM Covenant of Right Relations.
Join friends and fellow congregants for a stimulating morning of exploring covenant and working on our own UUSM Covenant of Right Relations. 
To quote our minister Greg, “Being good is not coincidental. It is intentional, born out of becoming clear about who – and how – we want to be. A ‘covenant’ is simply a way to move into some intentionality regarding how we ‘agree to be together.’ It makes explicit our collective aspirations and calls us into collective accountability toward our ideals.” 
To read Rev. Greg's letter in its entirety, please click here.
Please join us for this meaningful and rewarding work!
RSVP at, you can also email us at
Date / Time: 
Saturday, October 7, 2017 - 9:00am - 5:00pm

RE - Spirit Grant Fundraiser Meeting

Date / Time: 
Sunday, July 9, 2017 - 11:30am - 1:00pm
Contact Name: 
Kit Shaw

Lunches for Bunches

Date / Time: 
Sunday, July 23, 2017 - 11:15am - 11:45am
Contact Name: 
Patrick Meighan

July, 2017

Gerald Saldo (July)...and Church Artists (August)

July - Gerald Saldo:

Our own Gerald Saldo will host the Opening Reception for his photography show, Capturing Humanity, on Sunday, July 9 from 11 am to 12:30 pm. This exhibit will run through July 30 and is open on Sundays from 9:30 am to 12:30 pm and on weekdays by appointment through the office. Additional prints will be available at the reception. After spending 40 years behind movie cameras, he has returned to his first love — still photography, but with a twist. For this show Saldo has selected works from his “Pixelism” series, these photos come directly from his camera. All the works in the show were done without filters and or compositing; Saldo refers to them as “Digital Originals.” Sharpness and focus rarely come into play, it’s all about color, shape, and form. In order to achieve a Compressed Watercolor feel, Saldo uses Low Resolution combined with high digital zoom — this helps smear the colors. Many of the images were captured from three miles away. Saldo often discovered interesting compositions with binoculars; he then lined up his camera with a fluid head tripod. He says, “With a fluid head, I am able to move smoothly, constantly composing, rapidly releasing the shutter, feeling the passion, hoping for that magic moment when I know I have captured humanity. Contact our Art Director, Beverly Alison for further info about this show or about exhibiting on our Art Wall.

August - Church Artists:

A group show of art works by church artists will be held this August. The show always proves to be a wonderful exhibit of our church talent. The reception will be on Sunday, August 6, 11:30am -12:30pm. If you are a church member and wish to exhibit, contact Diana Spears.

Heart and Soul: A Contemplative Worship Service - 5 p.m.

Sunday, August 13, 2017 - 5:00pm
Rev. Kikanza Nuri-Robbins, Joyce Holmen and Karen Hsu Patterson
Heart and Soul - A Contemplative Worship Service
Second Sundays
5 to 5:45 pm in the Sanctuary
Heart and Soul services are led by the Rev. Kikanza Nuri-Robins, Joyce Holmen, and Karen Hsu Patterson. With singing and instrumental music, poetry, statements and questions, silence and sharing, we’ll explore monthly worship themes.
Sunday, July 9 – What Does It Mean to Be a People of Resistance?
Sunday, August 13 – What Does It Mean to Be a Community of Yearning?