Annual All-Church Interweave Picnic
Lunches for Bunches
May, 2017
UUSM Children's Works

Church Office Closed in observance of Memorial Day
Super Seniors - June Meeting Cancelled
Super Seniors will be meeting on the 3rd Sunday beginning October 16, 2016
The summer potluck is here! Please join us on June 18, 2017: the Super Seniors will be meeting at the home of Elizabeth and Leonard Adler at 11:30am for a "potluck" lunch. We hope to see you there!
Green Sanctuary

MUSIC - Pre-Mother's Day Choral Singing
Pre-Mother’s Day Choral Singing: Sat, May 13, 1:45pm-3pm. Offsite at Sunrise Assisted Living. Do you remember the old favorites “Come Rain or Come Shine,” “Fly Me to the Moon,” or “My Favorite Things”? Please join us for a pre-Mother’s Day choral singing of these and more old favorites. No choir experience necessary, just a desire to bring music to those who are elderly and need assistance. Meet at the church at 12:45pm in the Choir Room, Forbes Upstairs 2 to practice. We will walk to Sunrise at 1:45pm and walk back around 3pm. Contact: Cindy Kelly,
OFFSITE: JUUstice LA March
May Day is the international working class holiday celebrated by millions of workers across the globe. It originated and commemorates the Chicago workers’ historic struggle for the 8-hour day on May 1, 1886. The workers had a general strike that spread to 350,000 workers across the country. It is a day when workers around the world march for their common demands, signifying international working-class solidarity.
On May 1, 2017 we will march for the universal demands of all workers: against imperialist war, against racism and xenophobia, for LGBTQIA rights, against sexism, for unity of immigrant and citizen workers, against wage slavery, against fascist police and many other horrors.
On Monday, May 1,10:30am at 1st Unitarian Church Los Angeles on 8th in between Vermont and Westmoreland
Join the #Resist March at 11am MacArthur Park
Info at the FIA Table in Forbes after services
Contact: Sarah Mae Harper